So I'm doing my weekly Butt smoke and my daughter's friend says "hey, if I bring you a Butt, will you smoke it for me?" while waving a bit o' cash at me. How could I say no?
So around 10 last night he drops of his 10lb hunk o' love and takes off. I go to prep it and it's a Picnic. I call, he says no biggie, smoke the piggie!
So I have the beauties in the smoker. I'm running 300-ish because we prefer the flavor produced by a bit high temp.
My question is, what do I need to watch out for with the Picnic? I would have liked to injected, but it was late, and lol, I was already sauced [emoji]128540[/emoji] I don't want it to dry out. Should I spritz with juice, apple vinager, baste it with a bit of an apple jelly concoction? I know we don't want to wrap it, he likes the bark.
Here's what the Porky Goodness looked like going into their Pork Love Machine [emoji]128522[/emoji][emoji]10084[/emoji]️[emoji]9832[/emoji]️[emoji]128055[/emoji]
So around 10 last night he drops of his 10lb hunk o' love and takes off. I go to prep it and it's a Picnic. I call, he says no biggie, smoke the piggie!
So I have the beauties in the smoker. I'm running 300-ish because we prefer the flavor produced by a bit high temp.
My question is, what do I need to watch out for with the Picnic? I would have liked to injected, but it was late, and lol, I was already sauced [emoji]128540[/emoji] I don't want it to dry out. Should I spritz with juice, apple vinager, baste it with a bit of an apple jelly concoction? I know we don't want to wrap it, he likes the bark.
Here's what the Porky Goodness looked like going into their Pork Love Machine [emoji]128522[/emoji][emoji]10084[/emoji]️[emoji]9832[/emoji]️[emoji]128055[/emoji]