Been lurking around this forum for ages but only just signed up - so first post :)
I have done several cooks with brisket and everyone seems to really enjoy it however only occasionally am I overly happy with the outcome.
I object my brisket with a beef stock, red wine and soy marinade and then rub it with my homemade dry rub.
I’m reasonably happy with those aspects, although I often play around with different tweaks here and there.
I’m wondering if the inconsistency and occasional poorer quality is perhaps an issue with my meat cut as my butchers don’t seem to be too clued up on this style of cooking.
So here are a few pics of my last brisket and was wondering if anyone can suggest any further instructions I could give the butcher regarding the cut and/or trimming and also what exactly I am getting - is it a full packer with the flat and the point?
All help/advice much appreciated and apologies for the essay!!!