Beef Round Tip ready for Sammies

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RIP - Gone but not forgotten.
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Nov 12, 2010
Hit Costco for some decent beef.


After watching my co-horts smoke "rounds", I just had to do it. Seasoned overnight in the refer

and into the MES.


9 hours @ 230. IT 150* F.

2 hrs Hickory

1/2 hrs Mesquite

2 hrs Alder

Excellent smoke flavor profile. Just a hint of Mesquite that is not overpowering.

Ready for the refer overnight again.


The bottom  of the roast did not cook uniformly. See following pictures. The foil should have been lowered

1 rack level maybe?

Beautiful..........and smells sooooo good.


Appears I should have rotated and/or turned the roast. The rare spot was sitting on the pan with the meat juices.

Since this was being sliced for vac pack and future sammies, the rare part was cut off and I had it for lunch.

UMMM Good.


Sliced. That is what I call real sandwich material.


Ready for the freezer.


I'm looking forward to using this great beef to make various sammies.

Now I have to figure out what to do, to uniformly cook a roast that size, for the next smoke.

Should I have lowered the aluminum catch pan 1 more rack level? Rotated and flipped the roast?

Probably all of the above.

Something for all us new-bees to consider.
That gonna make some tasty sammiches. I think maybe rotating the roast would do it but it doesn't look to bad to me. I kinda like it a little rare.

This is an awesome thread !

First SmokinAl, now you,----I gotta do one of these real soon!!!

LOL---It didn't take you long to figure out how to get rid of the rare part at the bottom !!!!!

I'd have sucked that up in a heartbeat !!!!!

OOOPS---Almost forgot to mention the super BearViews too !!!!!

Thanks Dave,

That's gonna make some great sammies! Good job Dave! I've found that if you cook them at a lower temp they tend to cook more evenly. I smoke mine at 210.
LOL---I don't know how close you guys are, but you should be knocking on Dave's door by now!

Well, let's see, from my location to Dave's:  If Highway 20 is open, then it's across the Cascade Mountains, to his area, about 3-4 hours, considering weekend traffic. 
If Barbie Queen were to join us, she'd have to fight I-90 all the way across, she might make it by next weekend.
  They have so much road repair/construction going on down there, it's ridiculous.
looks great dave......  
  I need to do another one..... Why did you waste the vacuum sealer bags.....It wont stay in the freezer for long......
That is exactly what I have planned to smoke tomorrow! I grabbed one at Cosco on Sunday and I wasn't really sure what a round tip was but figured that I would MES one up and find out. My roast has been sitting in the fridge for a few days with rub because work kept popping up preventing from getting the ball rolling. Thanks for the tasty pictotial tour. Hope mine comes out as fine as yours.
Originally Posted by CaptTurbo  

That is exactly what I have planned to smoke tomorrow! I grabbed one at Cosco on Sunday and I wasn't really sure what a round tip was but figured that I would MES one up and find out. My roast has been sitting in the fridge for a few days with rub because work kept popping up preventing from getting the ball rolling. Thanks for the tasty pictotial tour.

Hope mine comes out as fine as yours.
I'm sure it will.

One mistakes I think I made was, not rotating the meat. The MES 30 has a hot spot in the rear right corner. I knew it and did not compensate for that inherent problem.

Good smoking. Thanks. Dave
Dave, I have at least partially fixed that hot spot problem by laying about an 8" square piece of ceramic tile right on top of the fire box. Give that a try and see what you think. My round tip is in right now along with some burgers that will be lunch. I got inspired by a thread I read yesterday where the idea was to put chedder cheese inside the burgers. I can't imagine them not coming out really good!
Looks right fine for me. I don't mind the rare either, shoot I only take them to 135 to 140º. Have you had a chance to use some of the Mojo yet? Goes excellent with beef,
Dave that Sammy meat looks the idea. When i get my meat slicer I've been mega hinting for...on fathers day, one of these will hit the smoker!!! Thanks for the views!!! 
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