My low profile Foodsaver just went tits up after two years (and LOTs of use).
That makes two Foodsavers that died on me in the last 5 years, the first having been a pricey one.
So who makes a good one for under $100?
Oh the old vac sealer replacement discussion lol.
I am giggling a bit because many many many of us have been there.
My lesson learned is that if it isn't a good name brand/quality at about $325+ it's probably going to fail on you in too short of a time.
It seems your best options are going to be Weston (2100 model or higher, though 1100 is good as well) or LEM MaxVac (500 model or higher I think).
I bought and own a refurbed Weston 2100 for about 10 years now and no issues with it. Two monthsa go I replaced the teflon tape on the lower heating bar for the 1st time in 10 years. For a birthday gift, I asked for a roll of 1/4 inch Teflon tape from
amazon so the maintenance cost was very low. I believe the tape was less than $5 for a lifetime supply/roll I'll never use up on this thing if I relace tape every 10 years lol.
I got my mother a Weston 1100 maybe 7 years ago and it works fine but the sealing bar isn't as wide and they "lock in place" while sealing feature is not really a necessary feature and can get in a the way a little bit at times.
I bought a high end Foodsaver for like $225 in 2011 and it lasted basically 1 year, 1 deer hunting season's worth of processing. It limped through on year 2 but had tons of failed seals and was a major pain. Tried to repair and replace parts and no luck, so moved on to a Weston 2100 (refurbed) and never looked back!
Vacmaster seems to only make chamber sealers these days. Chamber sealers seem super nice but they are big AND seem to take a while to seal which I do not have when it comes to my hunting processing week, so I need the speed of the Weston which can go as fast as I can feed it for as long as I can feed it.
Vac sealers seem to be may be the most notorious gadget for failing I have ever come into contact with. The only solution I found was to spend the $$$ on a brand and model that is known to last and then never look back.
Everyone I know that gets a $50-$200 vac sealer seems to have it fail in short order with any moderate use over a year or 2.
I hope this info helps :)