The "hopefully" ongoing snack sticks thread

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Culinary Otter

Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
Jan 1, 2024
Alberta, Canada
So. After a very limited taste test, I'm pretty happy with my Hamburger Helper snack sticks. My closest circle devoured them. Instantaneously.

Unfortunately, they have left me with A) an inflated ego, and 2) an empty drawer of snack sticks. 3) a job that leaves me with too much time on my hands.

So, I have now decided my lot in life is to recreate "comfort food" in a cozy snack treat version.

This thread is completely stupid. Guaranteed I can't do everything I'm setting out to do, but this is the stuff I enjoy. Please join me on this journey with the following caveats:

*I am not trained, In any form whatsoever, Red seal, blue seal, black seal... I ain't it. I encourage you to follow along but I don't encourage you to follow. If I'm doing something completely un-food-safe please tell me.

Comfort Food Snack Stick #1:

Salisbury steak.

The biggest issue: The umami, the velvety sauce, the mushrooms, the unctuous texture.
My solution: Mushroom, mushroom, oh wait, mushroom.

The literal Achilles heel in this will be recreating the gravy, so my thoughts:

- Use my tried and true Salisbury steak recipe
- rehydrate mushrooms; concentrate them; amp up the flavour

Here we go:


Minced onion, dijon, Wooster, Ketchup, Salt.



Minced re-hydrated mushrooms


Salt, to the same sausage % one prefers, sodium erythrobate and cure to standard %

Not sure this is ever going to work, but amongst my ideas it's the most likely, Thanks for looking.


Curing now. results to follow.
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Unfortunately I'm stuck working nights this weekend, so won't be able to throw these sticks in until I'm off on Monday morning and can give them the attention they deserve. So the Salisbury Steak mix is currently waiting patiently in the fridge until then.

Meanwhile, my idea for Comfort Food Snack Stick #2 - a hearty Spaghetti Bolognese.

Like so many things, the base of a good Bolognese is mirepoix, so in the meantime I figured I'd better get a jump on that and start dehydrating some vegetables to make a mirepoix powder.



Blanched and drying away while I go and get some shut-eye!
I've never heard of I&g - and apparently not available on Amazon Canada.

Interesting. Is this glutamate based or similar to MSG? If it is I can def work with that to do something similar.
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Hmmm....crazy you can't buy it in Canada.
In the country that we reduce Prague powder #1 to Prague powder #.0985 to save some folks some nitrites in their diet? It's crazy but par for the course.

I'm going to look into this thank you so much.
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Haha you're getting no disagreement from me.

But we're taking about a country who thinks making you purchase a cloth bag that will fall apart tomorrow for a dollar each time you go to the grocery store is somehow saving the planet. I don't trust them to save me from much, let alone food chemistry.
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Salisbury sticks out of the combi (out of laziness/lack of sleep)

Combi / dehy is much better than just combi FWIW.

I'm torn. They're freaking delicious - so I'm calling this a win - but they're not what I'm looking for. going to look into indaswamp indaswamp 's ideas further.

Onto the Bolognese and I'll revisit this again.


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