He is always using way cool tools and it gets very annoying!!
First I asked him what kinda control he might use for a curing cabinet...
Great ....I bought an Air2..it is nice.
Next and I have been avoiding it... That dang REVEO thingamabobber.
I got some venison coming...(hint ,hint Piney) and am planning on lots of jerky.
I just ordered one from Amazon...."Eastman Outdoors 38229 Reveo MariVac Food Tumbler"
First I asked him what kinda control he might use for a curing cabinet...
Great ....I bought an Air2..it is nice.
Next and I have been avoiding it... That dang REVEO thingamabobber.
I got some venison coming...(hint ,hint Piney) and am planning on lots of jerky.
I just ordered one from Amazon...."Eastman Outdoors 38229 Reveo MariVac Food Tumbler"