Summer Beer

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Such a Minnesota answer 😂😂😂. I like I lighter IPA or ale for summer. I don't get too into the fruit and things unless... Maui Brewing Pineapple Mana wheat. Sounds weird, costs a lot, but damn it's good.

if I had a dollar for every Maui Big Swell I had at Lanikai or Waimea Bay I’d probably be $9,000 richer. Never tried the PineappleMana Wheat though
When I drank beer, summer meant (a lot of) Busch and Old Mil, little Rolling Rock for nationally available macros; Bell's Oberon, SN Summerfest and PA/Summer mixed packs, and pretty much any/all session IPAs. Lagunitas' big reds when applicable. Even more Two Hearted and Furious than the rest of the year.
Drank my weight and then some (and I'm no small guy. 6'5 275lbs) of ManaWheat a few years ago in Kehei in vacation. Ended up staying about a mile from the new brewery. Very nice place to visit.
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if I had a dollar for every Maui Big Swell I had at Lanikai or Waimea Bay I’d probably be $9,000 richer. Never tried the PineappleMana Wheat though
Maui Big "Wave" not big swell.:emoji_joy::emoji_joy::emoji_joy:
I can drink about 30 of them hang'in around the pool I love them on hot days.
Shiner Bock has to be my all time favorite summer time beer.
Maui Big "Wave" not big swell.:emoji_joy::emoji_joy::emoji_joy:
I can drink about 30 of them hang'in around the pool I love them on hot days.
Shiner Bock has to be my all time favorite summer time beer.

Maui brewing makes a “ig Swell”
Kona brewing makes a “Big Wave”
Kona’s Big Wave is like a light beer it’s good like you said for drinking all day long.
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Any beer with citra hops in it are my main goto for summer drinking, love the citrus flavor they give beers. They usually are in an IPA but I have seen them used in shandies and other ales before. Citradelic from New Belgium was my favorite, before they stopped making it.
I like chelada's in the summer: mexican beer over ice with lots of lime juice and a salted rim. The ice melts down enough that it almost seems hydrating.
I never had any of that fancy stuff, but I'll give you a run-down on my Life with Beer:
As a Kid, before the Army:
All "Schmidts"

Army Time & in Vietnam:
Black Label
"33" Beer (Vietnam Beer)
Primo---Terrible Hawaiian Beer
Lone Star---Terrible Texas Beer

After Army and Home from Vietnam:
Drank a lot of---And I mean a lot !!!
Rolling Rock
Miller High Life

Until after my Open Heart Surgery Fiasco:
Then I lost my taste for all foods & drink for 7 months.
Then everything came back, except Beer & Coffee.
I got some Miller Lite in my Fridge now, that I think could be Collector's Items.

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