Been somewhat absent recently and here is why. A couple of weeks ago I got notice that a highly respected and prominent forum member was coming to visit. That in itself was an honor but then he asked if I could build him a hybrid Santa Maria grill similar to the one I built for myself. Sure!! I'd love to. The only specification I got from him was the size. From there he just left it up to me. This started out to be just a basic table top grill with no frills or lace. After thinking through it, I decided it needed to be on a cart because he didn't know where the grill was going to live and if there would be counter space to set it up. At this point I started cutting and welding steel. As things came together, I kept coming up with new and different ideas which got incorporated into the build. There are no progress pics because the final product was going to be a surprise for when he got here so I was not expecting to post this. Well, last night he got impatient talked me into sending him the pics so the cat is out of the bag. Here we go....a few pics of the finished grill.
You'll notice the dividers in the charcoal pan. Those are movable so the cooking zones can be set up however he wants or can use just a small section of the grill. Heck, after doing these for him I built two for my grill
That pan is enormous and would take a whole bag of charcoal to fill it up. What a waste for 2 steaks
I was also concerned about space constraints and needed to build it in a way to be most efficient but take up as little space as possible, hence the pull out work table and storage drawer. The drawer was actually a total after thought. When I got it built it looked gangly and out of proportion. There was just WAY too much space between the bottom of the cart and the grill. It reminded me of a circus clown on those really tall stilts. Something needed to be done so I decided to do the drawer. It may be an expensive and time consuming frivolity but maybe it'll have some use for him.
Well that's it. I just hope he enjoys it as much as I enjoyed building the thing. This was a fun project.
You'll notice the dividers in the charcoal pan. Those are movable so the cooking zones can be set up however he wants or can use just a small section of the grill. Heck, after doing these for him I built two for my grill
Well that's it. I just hope he enjoys it as much as I enjoyed building the thing. This was a fun project.
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