Happy Wednesday Great Wonderful Smokers!
I do realize that I've already posted a zillion "Cuttlefish" threads, as I do eat them a lot; but today's smoked cuttlefish and smoked sweet potato was so amazingly delicious, simple as it be, that I wanted to share it as its own separate thing. Enjoy!
Cheers! - Leah
So I started with some raw cuttlefish, and a sweet potato that I started in the microwave for 6 minutes and then sliced...
I far prefer "red garnet yams" to sweet potatoes, as they pack more flavor, the vibrant color is more stunning, and they seem to lend more caramel essence even - the way a really ripe and tremendous papaya gives off that maple-esque taste versus a somewhat hard and plain tasting papaya that isn't all that ripe.
However, the store was out of red garnet yams and so a regular sweet potato would do just fine!
I coated both items thoroughly with grapeseed oil...
And since it was 7 degrees outside, (pretty warm for "winter" if you ask me), I sauntered out onto the porch without much attire, scared the neighborhood - again - and began smoking up my goods on the little gas smoker, with hickory chips, and for 25 minutes on high heat. (Maybe 412 degrees or so)...
And I must add, that SMOKED sweet potato (and even better, "red garnet yam") are so fantastic versus grilled, baked, nuked, etc..There is a crispy edge that contrasts with the soft middle and these are GOOD!
I added this to my daily staple of mounds upon mounds of salad, chopped raw elephant garlic, avocado, cukes, chopped parsley (yes some of us DO eat parsley)...
And put my turmeric-black pepper-olive oil simple and healthful dressing all over...
And it was just WON-DER-FUL!
The cuttlefish were so smoky and savory and yet SOFT and juicy and without a hint of any rubber texture whatsoever! The best ones yet!
All that was left, was another "happily turmeric stained plate" as a reminder of my thorough eating!
Delicious, healthful, simple, and sensational stuff!
Thanks for sharing in my daily dinner!!!
Make today so fantastic that even your neighbors dance the samba and light a bonfire, and eat avocados off of...OK, OK, you get the happy idea!!! Just make today delicious!
Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Leah
I do realize that I've already posted a zillion "Cuttlefish" threads, as I do eat them a lot; but today's smoked cuttlefish and smoked sweet potato was so amazingly delicious, simple as it be, that I wanted to share it as its own separate thing. Enjoy!
Cheers! - Leah
So I started with some raw cuttlefish, and a sweet potato that I started in the microwave for 6 minutes and then sliced...
I far prefer "red garnet yams" to sweet potatoes, as they pack more flavor, the vibrant color is more stunning, and they seem to lend more caramel essence even - the way a really ripe and tremendous papaya gives off that maple-esque taste versus a somewhat hard and plain tasting papaya that isn't all that ripe.
However, the store was out of red garnet yams and so a regular sweet potato would do just fine!
I coated both items thoroughly with grapeseed oil...
And since it was 7 degrees outside, (pretty warm for "winter" if you ask me), I sauntered out onto the porch without much attire, scared the neighborhood - again - and began smoking up my goods on the little gas smoker, with hickory chips, and for 25 minutes on high heat. (Maybe 412 degrees or so)...
And I must add, that SMOKED sweet potato (and even better, "red garnet yam") are so fantastic versus grilled, baked, nuked, etc..There is a crispy edge that contrasts with the soft middle and these are GOOD!
I added this to my daily staple of mounds upon mounds of salad, chopped raw elephant garlic, avocado, cukes, chopped parsley (yes some of us DO eat parsley)...
And put my turmeric-black pepper-olive oil simple and healthful dressing all over...
And it was just WON-DER-FUL!
The cuttlefish were so smoky and savory and yet SOFT and juicy and without a hint of any rubber texture whatsoever! The best ones yet!
All that was left, was another "happily turmeric stained plate" as a reminder of my thorough eating!
Delicious, healthful, simple, and sensational stuff!
Thanks for sharing in my daily dinner!!!
Make today so fantastic that even your neighbors dance the samba and light a bonfire, and eat avocados off of...OK, OK, you get the happy idea!!! Just make today delicious!
Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Leah