Smoked butter is in demand for use by restaurants however they sometimes find it quite difficult to find. I therefore have an arrangement with one of my local restaurants where I smoke butter for them. It is not usually used in quantity in the actual cooking but is added in small amounts as a flavouring after the food is plated. It goes especially well with seafood, steak and green vegetables.
Butter is smoked in a similar way to cheese however more care needs to be taken in controlling the temperature during smoking. I do this by smoking overnight and loading a tray of ice in the bottom of the smoking chamber during the smoke.
Cheese pats unwrapped and stacked on racks ready for loading into the smoker.
Tray of ice loaded into the bottom of the smoker
Racks of butter stacked in the smoking chamber
After smoking and 24 hours on rack in fridge the pats are then vac packed
As with smoking cheese the butter needs to stand for at least a week before using or freezing.
Butter is smoked in a similar way to cheese however more care needs to be taken in controlling the temperature during smoking. I do this by smoking overnight and loading a tray of ice in the bottom of the smoking chamber during the smoke.
Cheese pats unwrapped and stacked on racks ready for loading into the smoker.
Tray of ice loaded into the bottom of the smoker
Racks of butter stacked in the smoking chamber
After smoking and 24 hours on rack in fridge the pats are then vac packed
As with smoking cheese the butter needs to stand for at least a week before using or freezing.
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