Sinners Ribs (Crockpot)

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smokin monkey

Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
SMF Premier Member
Oct 27, 2013
Sutton In Ashfield, UK
Forgive me Father for I have sinned.

Two racks of Costco Ribs.
Store bought Texas Rub
Store bought BBQ Sauce
2 Tbs Liquid Smoke

Equipment, Crockpot.

Removed membrane from the ribs.
Applied the store bought rub, and refrigerated over night.
Heated crockpot on low, added liquid Smoke.
Stood ribs on bones around pot with meat facing outwards.
Fitted lid and cooked for 8 hours on low.
Heated Grill (Broiler)
Applied store bought sauce to meat side of ribs.
Place under grill (broiler) for 3-5 minutes.
Remove and enjoy.

Rubbed and in Crockpot.

Cooked on slow for 8 Hours.

Sauce applied.

Served with Onion Rings, Jacket Potato and Salad.

Back to the Smokin Money Cook Book
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are you serious a crock pot why not just go to any restaurant?? Why not just the micro wave I hear you have them in UK.

Tell the haters to take a long walk off a short pier! The only right way to cook anything is the way you like it!

:huh: are you serious a crock pot why not just go to any restaurant?? Why not just the micro wave I hear you have them in UK. :biggrin:


Got it throug on Buzz Feed as American Super Bowl Snacks, can't bet them join them :-)

"Sinners ribs?"  Man, that's not just a sin, I believe that's grounds for excommunication.  Or worse.    :AR15firing:

How many Hell Mary's?

Tell the haters to take a long walk off a short pier! The only right way to cook anything is the way you like it!


Thanks Disco, just an experiment to see how it worked. Tasted good, just a bit of a bite, but no smoke Flavour even though added liquid smoke.
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My sister in law does her ribs in a crock pot.

But she cuts up the rack into single ribs & fills the crock pot up with some kind of sauce (sort of a thin BBQ sauce).

All the fat from the ribs mixes in with the sauce while it cooks.

They are pretty darn good!

Liquid smoke + Crock-Pot make many a meal when life gets hectic.

What's better than coming home from work to a house full of smoked meat smell?

Authentic bbq is for weekends and retirement (frozen leftovers would save the day too).

Have you fellows tried pressure cooker ribs? Done in 30min+oven braising.

Now , how about dishwasher ribs? I read about dishwasher salmon, why not ribs? Just select a heavy cycle with long dry time. Liquid smoke in the rinse agent compartment?
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Buzzfeed, liquid smoke, crockpot......what the hell is going on in this thread?! Am I in the bizarro world??? is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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