Salami is from Poli , Krakow from Marianski .
All done with pre cured meat cubes . Pork was cured 3 days pre grind , 1 day post grind .
Beef was 1 day pre grind , 1 day post grind .
The pork was butt that was pre cut into strips at the store . Managers special , so that saved me some knife work and didn't need a whole butt .
The beef came from 22 pounds of chuck pectoral that I had to clean up for grind . Saved 1 1/4 pounds of cubes .
Cube up the pork . Add the salt and cure only .
Mix it in good .
Pack it tight in the bowl , and put plastic wrap down tight to the
cubes . Into the fridge at 36 degrees for 3 days .
Same for the beef .
Ready to grind . This is 3 days for the pork , but only one for the beef .
Both went through the 1/8" plate . This is the pork .
The salami was 50/50 pork and beef . All seasoned and mixed .
This took less than 1/2 cup of liquid . No binders . Recipe called for NFDM and phosphates .
Didn't need either one . I stopped following recipes for liquid amounts , and binder amounts a long time ago .
Krakow was all pork , with pre cured pork cubes . All seasoned and mixed ,
Plastic wrap down tight to keep the air out , then back in the fridge overnight .
I did use potato starch and a bit more liquid for this .
Next day I got set up to stuff . Did the Salami in the SV start to finish , so I used 80 mm
waterproof casings . 152 for 4 hours . Finish IT was 151 .
Krakow was hung at room temp for 2 hours . Then cooked in the MES start to finish .
I set the MES to 150 . Hang the chub and start it up . When the IT was 135 , I bumped the smoker up to 165 .
Pulled at 148 , no water bath .
Both were cooled and held overnight .
Next day , ready for a peak . Mixed what was left in the stuffer , and
cooked it in the oven .
Nice color on the Krakow . That's not from smoke , that's from pre curing .
Cut in half , and a couple sample slices .
Close up of the Krakow .
Cotto Salami ,
The salami was spot on perfect . The long precure makes it .
Really gives better depth of color and flavor .
I did add sodium erythorbate to set and hold the color . Also acts as a binding agent .
The Krakow has the look and texture . The smell is insane . I double the amount of fresh garlic ,
and upped the Marjoram by half .
BUT , here's where I made a stupid mistake .
I buy these at the store . Burgers is Missouri based and makes smoked meats .
So I buy these from time to time , and have them on hand as back up .
I needed them to do the Karkow , because I ground up all my pre cured pork chunks .
That was mistake number 1 .
Mistake number 2 , and the big one . Didn't account for the salt .
I talk about reading ingredient labels and knowing what they mean .
I normally do , but was in a hurry . I've used them before without issue .
Looked at the bag at the store yesterday . 4oz. serving is 88% of the daily value .
Whole bag is 12 oz.
It's not so bad that it hits you right away , but a few slices in it starts to show up .
Might be better on a sandwich . I'll revisit that today . Might just cube it up and freeze it for
green beans and potatoes .
That's it .
All done with pre cured meat cubes . Pork was cured 3 days pre grind , 1 day post grind .
Beef was 1 day pre grind , 1 day post grind .
The pork was butt that was pre cut into strips at the store . Managers special , so that saved me some knife work and didn't need a whole butt .
The beef came from 22 pounds of chuck pectoral that I had to clean up for grind . Saved 1 1/4 pounds of cubes .
Cube up the pork . Add the salt and cure only .
Mix it in good .
Pack it tight in the bowl , and put plastic wrap down tight to the
cubes . Into the fridge at 36 degrees for 3 days .
Same for the beef .
Ready to grind . This is 3 days for the pork , but only one for the beef .
Both went through the 1/8" plate . This is the pork .
The salami was 50/50 pork and beef . All seasoned and mixed .
This took less than 1/2 cup of liquid . No binders . Recipe called for NFDM and phosphates .
Didn't need either one . I stopped following recipes for liquid amounts , and binder amounts a long time ago .
Krakow was all pork , with pre cured pork cubes . All seasoned and mixed ,
Plastic wrap down tight to keep the air out , then back in the fridge overnight .
I did use potato starch and a bit more liquid for this .
Next day I got set up to stuff . Did the Salami in the SV start to finish , so I used 80 mm
waterproof casings . 152 for 4 hours . Finish IT was 151 .
Krakow was hung at room temp for 2 hours . Then cooked in the MES start to finish .
I set the MES to 150 . Hang the chub and start it up . When the IT was 135 , I bumped the smoker up to 165 .
Pulled at 148 , no water bath .
Both were cooled and held overnight .
Next day , ready for a peak . Mixed what was left in the stuffer , and
cooked it in the oven .
Nice color on the Krakow . That's not from smoke , that's from pre curing .
Cut in half , and a couple sample slices .
Close up of the Krakow .
Cotto Salami ,
The salami was spot on perfect . The long precure makes it .
Really gives better depth of color and flavor .
I did add sodium erythorbate to set and hold the color . Also acts as a binding agent .
The Krakow has the look and texture . The smell is insane . I double the amount of fresh garlic ,
and upped the Marjoram by half .
BUT , here's where I made a stupid mistake .
I buy these at the store . Burgers is Missouri based and makes smoked meats .
So I buy these from time to time , and have them on hand as back up .
I needed them to do the Karkow , because I ground up all my pre cured pork chunks .
That was mistake number 1 .
Mistake number 2 , and the big one . Didn't account for the salt .
I talk about reading ingredient labels and knowing what they mean .
I normally do , but was in a hurry . I've used them before without issue .
Looked at the bag at the store yesterday . 4oz. serving is 88% of the daily value .
Whole bag is 12 oz.
It's not so bad that it hits you right away , but a few slices in it starts to show up .
Might be better on a sandwich . I'll revisit that today . Might just cube it up and freeze it for
green beans and potatoes .
That's it .