Roto Bird

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Epic Pitmaster
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Jan 18, 2020
Western Colorado
Spun a 18# turkey today on the kettle. Was to big but made it work. Was fantastic.


Stuffed the cavity with veggies and some lemon slices.


On the spit.


About 3 hours in and decided to foil wrap. Temps were coming slow.


The finished bird. Was a bit of a PITA but results were worth it.


Sliced bird. Sorry no plate shots. Things got very competitive once the bird was sliced in terms of filling plates. White sweet potato/Yukon gold mix mashers, green bean casserole, gravy, deviled eggs, the normal run. Was fantastic.
nice bird
Thank you it was fun.

I’ll second this!!!
Thank you

I'll third these.


Thank you Chris

Beautiful! That's the way I would have done it if I still had my Weber.
Thank you. Was one of the best birds in recent years.

Looks Amazing!!!
Thank you

Great looking bird! I can see why they were fighting over it.

Thanks Jim, that and I starved them all day and made them work for their food!

Looks fantastic!! I'd tear some of that up for sure
Thanks Jeff. That Bird booster is great stuff we liked that a lot. Thanks again.

WOW, put me in the back of the truck with the likes. Think its up higher than all my counting toes.

Great looking turkey for sure, Love the lemon and veg cavity filler.

Thank you David. I tossed the veggies with olive oil, salt, pepper, thyme and rosemary with fresh garlic in the mix. It really went well although it did extend the cook time a bit.

Nice bird! I have a rotisserie attachment for my grill...need to use it more. Hell, I need to use my grill more period! LOL!
Thank you Inda. Was a nice break from the normal. The bird was just shy of 18# which is to big for the OnlyFire rotisserie. I had to help it quite a bit but it worked out great. 12-15# bird would run much smoother.

Fine looking bird!
I appreciate that Steve, thanks.

Looks delicious!
Thank you yankee.

Looks fantastic
Thanks much Jim.
The bird was 17.75# and was to heavy for the kettle rotisserie. I had to help it along the last 2 hours and probably took half the life out of the motor.
I injected the bird with Butcher BBQ Bird booster rotisserie flavor. Here is a link.

We like the injection a lot, very tasty plus has Phosphate which is a must for injections for me.

I rubbed the bird with Spice Island herb blend for turkey. Link to that. Very tasty savory herb blend.

Thank you for the carousel ride. Is much appreciated. Thank you for the nice comments and for all the likes from everyone.
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I tossed the veggies with olive oil, salt, pepper, thyme and rosemary with fresh garlic in the mix.

I bet the smell was great with that combo inside. It would not extend the time around here as I normally
always put stuffing inside ours anyway ( some leaks out and helps with the gravy and taste ) :emoji_yum:

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