Replacing Circuit Board on MasterBuilt smoker

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Original poster
Jul 16, 2021
Quick question. We were having issues with our smoker. Masterbuilt sent us a new circuit board and heating element. We took a pic before we pulled out the old circuit board. This is the one. Notice the blue wire over the white one. The paperwork with the new board says to install with white over blue. Thoughts? I don’t want to ruin this new board 😳
First - Welcome to the Forum from South Carolina's Thoroughbred Country. Your attachment didn't make the post. But without that, there should be a lot of folks out there who understand your question and give you a response. IMHO: Probably it's not an issue. However, if the new one fails and you didn't follow their instructions, then they might void the warranty?! 🍻
First - Welcome to the Forum from South Carolina's Thoroughbred Country. Your attachment didn't make the post. But without that, there should be a lot of folks out there who understand your question and give you a response. IMHO: Probably it's not an issue. However, if the new one fails and you didn't follow their instructions, then they might void the warranty?! 🍻
Thank you!
Sorry…Here’s the pics
First is the way it was
Second is the paperwork
Third is new way it says to do


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Quick question. We were having issues with our smoker. Masterbuilt sent us a new circuit board and heating element. We took a pic before we pulled out the old circuit board. This is the one. Notice the blue wire over the white one. The paperwork with the new board says to install with white over blue. Thoughts? I don’t want to ruin this new board 😳

Hi there and welcome!

First off, what is your smoker doing?

The circuit board and heating element are not common parts to simply fail or mess up on you.
It feels like 90% of the time failure to heat up is due to the crappy wire connectors Masterbilt uses at the heating element and at the safety rollout limit switch. I swear they are made to only last 2 months before they corrode of burn off haha.
Also if the unit heats up and then stops heating at some point, same issue the connectors and/or the safety rollout limit switch has started overheating and melting down usually due to bad connectors. This switch stops the unit from overheating BUT if the switch itself is overheating because the connectors are bad then it switches off until it cools down thereby cutting off power to your whole smoker.

Masterbuilt rarely understands your actual issue and often just throws parts at you.
We help guys fix their MES units all the time here as well as rewire them to use a much better 3rd party controller because the unit is too broke down as is or people simply want to upgrade the MES to become like an all new 100X better performing electric smoker (like going from a Golf Cart to a Cadillac) :)

I would hold off on changing the circuit board and especially the heating element until you tell us what the MES id doing. There are some MUCH simpler troubleshooting steps in areas that more commonly fail and are way simpler to fix. Changing to all hi temp connectors at the heating element safety rollout limit switch (if it has a panel) can be a 10 minute fix for $6.

I hope this info helps :)
Smoker is a MB20076718. 3 years old. I am having the same issue. I was smoking and my temp just started dropping out of the blue. Then eventually would not heat up at all. I purchased a new heat element. Still won't heat up. Control panel has power and functions properly. Masterbuilt has told me I need to purchase a new power circuit board. I popped the panel of the circuit board and it looks great. No evidence of heat damage what so ever. Can someone please fill me in on the "safety rollout limit switch"? (Edit: Found it. Easy access panel) Where its located and if it is a universal type of switch or is there a proprietary on for my smoker? Thanks!!!

I can't find a power circuit board on line for my smoker. MB tells me they are no longer available.

I found this which is for my smoker. I will try it..

Masterbuilt told me a bad thermostat would not prevent the smoker from heating up.
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Smoker is a MB20076718. 3 years old. I am having the same issue. I was smoking and my temp just started dropping out of the blue. Then eventually would not heat up at all. I purchased a new heat element. Still won't heat up. Control panel has power and functions properly. Masterbuilt has told me I need to purchase a new power circuit board. I popped the panel of the circuit board and it looks great. No evidence of heat damage what so ever. Can someone please fill me in on the "safety rollout limit switch"? (Edit: Found it. Easy access panel) Where its located and if it is a universal type of switch or is there a proprietary on for my smoker? Thanks!!!

I can't find a power circuit board on line for my smoker. MB tells me they are no longer available.

I found this which is for my smoker. I will try it..

Masterbuilt told me a bad thermostat would not prevent the smoker from heating up.
Hi there and welcome!

Most likely what has happened is that your safety rollout limit switch has failed. Yep the switch you provided the link to.

It is located here inside your smoker and is like the size of quarter:

If you are lucky you have a panel on the back of your smoker like the top one here labeled "Rollout Switch Panel":

Under the panel it will look like this to get to the switch:

If there is no panel then you can:
1.) Cut a panel (I highly suggest this)
2.) Remove the back and get to it (way more complicated)

The part you want is a KSD301 150C degree switch. These switches are pretty low quality and melt down all the time so having more than 1 is pretty much mandatory. Here is a link to ceramic ones that should not fail as easily as the plastic ones like the one from the Masterbuilt site. IMPORTANT: Get this exact one!!!! There are 2 styles of switch that look the same but are not built the same and the other style will NOT work. This is the proper style, is ceramic, and is 150C so buy something different at your own risk :)

If you don't have a panel just look on the inside and measure with a measuring tape from the ground up to get an idea of where to make a cut. The sheet metal on the back isn't too thick so if you drill a hole just through the metal and then use pointy tin shears/snips you can cut into it to access the switch cover box you see halfway up on the right hand side of this picture (again, don't remove the back, this pic is showing u the switch cover box):

That box unscrews from the 2 other screw heads you see on the inside of the smoker.

Once you get to everything and GENTLY replace the switch you can seal it all back up and cover with foil flue tape or high temp duct tape or whatever you want and then you now have access to it whenever you need.

Finally, I highly recommend you get some of these high temp 14-16AWG female spade connectors to replace the spade connectors that Masterbuilt uses.
The connectors Masterbuilt uses are pure trash and corrode away in no time so these will be a great improvement with you already in there. In any case it is very likely the connector has already corroded away on top of the switch melting down.

Let me know if you have any questions and I hope this info helps :)
Hi there and welcome!

Most likely what has happened is that your safety rollout limit switch has failed. Yep the switch you provided the link to.

It is located here inside your smoker and is like the size of quarter:
View attachment 644754

If you are lucky you have a panel on the back of your smoker like the top one here labeled "Rollout Switch Panel":
View attachment 644755

Under the panel it will look like this to get to the switch:
View attachment 644756

If there is no panel then you can:
1.) Cut a panel (I highly suggest this)
2.) Remove the back and get to it (way more complicated)

The part you want is a KSD301 150C degree switch. These switches are pretty low quality and melt down all the time so having more than 1 is pretty much mandatory. Here is a link to ceramic ones that should not fail as easily as the plastic ones like the one from the Masterbuilt site. IMPORTANT: Get this exact one!!!! There are 2 styles of switch that look the same but are not built the same and the other style will NOT work. This is the proper style, is ceramic, and is 150C so buy something different at your own risk :)

If you don't have a panel just look on the inside and measure with a measuring tape from the ground up to get an idea of where to make a cut. The sheet metal on the back isn't too thick so if you drill a hole just through the metal and then use pointy tin shears/snips you can cut into it to access the switch cover box you see halfway up on the right hand side of this picture (again, don't remove the back, this pic is showing u the switch cover box):
View attachment 644757

That box unscrews from the 2 other screw heads you see on the inside of the smoker.

Once you get to everything and GENTLY replace the switch you can seal it all back up and cover with foil flue tape or high temp duct tape or whatever you want and then you now have access to it whenever you need.

Finally, I highly recommend you get some of these high temp 14-16AWG female spade connectors to replace the spade connectors that Masterbuilt uses.
The connectors Masterbuilt uses are pure trash and corrode away in no time so these will be a great improvement with you already in there. In any case it is very likely the connector has already corroded away on top of the switch melting down.

Let me know if you have any questions and I hope this info helps :)
Thanks. I pulled the cover off to reveal the switch. From inside its compartment, it looks to be in great shape. No melting or burnt terminals. I will still replace it and see what happens.
Thanks. I pulled the cover off to reveal the switch. From inside its compartment, it looks to be in great shape. No melting or burnt terminals. I will still replace it and see what happens.
Or if you get a male to male connector and bypass the switch or a jumper cord 16-14 guage and see if it's the safety switch.
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Thanks. I pulled the cover off to reveal the switch. From inside its compartment, it looks to be in great shape. No melting or burnt terminals. I will still replace it and see what happens.
Yeah what drK said. If you can bypass it for the moment and check if you still get the same behavior you can determine whether or not the switch is to blame.

Just be careful when you pull the connectors off and put them back on. If you wiggle the tabs of the safety switch at all where they connect to the plastic back of the switch, it will melt down on you sooner rather than later. They are cheap plastic junk ready to fail if you look at them wrong. That is why I suggest the ceramic ones when possible... they should at least be a little less likely to melt down lol.
The jumper confirmed a bad limiter switch. Burner started to get hot immediately.

Glad to hear you found the problem!
The behavior described sounded like a bat safety limit rollout switch, glad you confirmed it.

Those things are cheap and melt down on a whim. Being able to access it to easily repair, troubleshoot, etc. is basically a must on these units since the connectors and the switch are so cheap and wear out so fast.

Just be sure you delicately put the new switch and wiring back together. If you wiggle the tabs at all where they connect to the back of the switch, it will fail on you in short order.
My technique was to sit in my living room and gently put the spade connectors on the switch tabs. Then go outside and connect the wires to the spade connectors.
FINALLY, fasten the switch back in position. This helped me keep from stressing those delicate switches.

I hope all this info helps :)
Gents, Thank you... Was pulling my hair out trying to determine why my smoker would not heat up after replacing a bad heating element. Thought I was going to have to replace the power circuit board... Saw your post, put a jumper on the temp limiter switch and bingo problem is there! Thanks again!
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Gents, Thank you... Was pulling my hair out trying to determine why my smoker would not heat up after replacing a bad heating element. Thought I was going to have to replace the power circuit board... Saw your post, put a jumper on the temp limiter switch and bingo problem is there! Thanks again!
Hi there and welcome!

Glad this info helped you. Hope you smoke something good now that your MES is back up and running :)
Awesome. I would get the switch from Masterbuilt. The ones I bought on Amazon, that were rated for the smoker had huge temperature swings. I eventually got the one from Masterbuilt, and it only had plus/ minus 5 degree temperature swings, which is normal.

Also, as Smoking Guru mentioned, the tabs are finicky. I noticed this trying to get to 275. If you notice you are not getting up there, you may have to reseat the connectors on the tabs. Mine kept stalling at 250. I went out, reseated the connections and it climbed all the way up. Hasn't failed to reach 275 since.
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I already ordered a cheap one from Amazon before I saw Guru's link to the better option. I will return and get the "better" limiter switch.

Given the frequency of MES "does not heat" threads and videos, I would recommend the default troubleshooting method would be to first take a multitester to the heating element at test for continuity (12-16 ohms) and then check for continuity on the limiter switch. I suspect this covers 90% of the issues(including my own situation -- both indicated no continuity). Probably best to replace both at the same time.

Thanks again!
Evening everybody..newbie (Mark) and glad I found this site, even if in a round about way.
I've owned a Masterbuilt digital electric smoker MB 20072618, MES 140S.
I've used it for years with zero issues..till a couple days ago. Always stored in my garage when not in use.
My last attempt to use this smoker a couple evenings ago, I went out to add chips and unit was off. I could smell burnt wiring. After ensuring I had power to the smoker power cord, I couldn't get smoker to power back up. I took the then 78° f B butt inside and put it in the Crockpot to finish.
I tested the heating element today..13.5 resistance with probes on both power feed points and zero with one probe on power feed and the other on the element.
I do have a burnt wire on the power control board and will post a couple pics in hopes that someone can help me before I contact MB and probably get told " the smoker is too old for factory support".
I plan on cutting a hole to access the temp limit switch and see the wiring condition since the back cover has a bunch of rivets holding it on.
I did some online research and wasn't able to find a 'power control board' that matched my units number. After reading into posts of similar problems I hope somebody can point me in the right direction of parts and replacement direction.


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Evening everybody..newbie (Mark) and glad I found this site, even if in a round about way.
I've owned a Masterbuilt digital electric smoker MB 20072618, MES 140S.
I've used it for years with zero issues..till a couple days ago. Always stored in my garage when not in use.
My last attempt to use this smoker a couple evenings ago, I went out to add chips and unit was off. I could smell burnt wiring. After ensuring I had power to the smoker power cord, I couldn't get smoker to power back up. I took the then 78° f B butt inside and put it in the Crockpot to finish.
I tested the heating element today..13.5 resistance with probes on both power feed points and zero with one probe on power feed and the other on the element.
I do have a burnt wire on the power control board and will post a couple pics in hopes that someone can help me before I contact MB and probably get told " the smoker is too old for factory support".
I plan on cutting a hole to access the temp limit switch and see the wiring condition since the back cover has a bunch of rivets holding it on.
I did some online research and wasn't able to find a 'power control board' that matched my units number. After reading into posts of similar problems I hope somebody can point me in the right direction of parts and replacement direction.
Hi there and welcome Mark!

Yeah I see that burnt smooth black wire at the lower circuit board. I couldn't tell if the little plastic box component it plugs into was swollen up and showing burn signs either. If the little plastic box component seems fine then it may be that you can get away with changing the wire connector on that black wire and hooking back up and see if it works.

My hunch is that if the black wire is burnt up then there was looseness with the wire and the connector, or the connector and the black plastic box component. So much so it causes resistance and that causes major heating up. Enough to melt plastic insulation or that little black plastic box component.

If you switch the connector and it all works then you are good to go!
If the circuit board or that black box component on the board itself are burnt up then you will have one hell of a time finding a replacement part. If you are a circuit board hardware kind of guy you might be able to replace that component but I've only seen 1-2 people savvy enough to do so (I'm not one of them lol).

The other option (better option actually) is to do the simple rewire and buy a ready to go PID controller and turn that golf cart of an MES into a Ferrari :D
The PID controller runs like $160 BUT it really is a whole different smoker and one that performs like similar electric smokers with PID controllers but they cost over $1,000!!!

So for $160 and no more effort than you plan to apply already, you can have a smoker that hits and holds dead on with temps and you can keep running through anything short of it being hit by a car lol.

Here is the simple rewire guide for using a PID controller. Simple = cut the ends off 4 wires in your picture and then wire nut to make 2 whole wires. At that point the MES plug will feed power to the heating element keeping the high temp safety switch in the mix while bypassing ALL other stock MES electronics that tend to fail.

I hope this info helps and ask all questions you have :D
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