Master of the Pit
I have the RT 1250, and may live just down the street from you. I always use different pellets and have devised a simple method to get most of the old pellets out. It takes a while to come up to temp so just use the old pellets for that.It does seem like RecTec has the lead in terms of support, and likely in build quality as well. I had found a video last night comparing ~8 smokers and it included RecTec and Camp Chef, though not the specific models I'm considering. In that video, i was very surprised to find that RecTec does not have a pellet drop method.
Maybe it just me, but I use different pellets for brisket (100% oak) vs pork shoulder (100% hickory) vs chicken (oak/hickory). Do RecTec owners just use a single pellet most of the time? Or do people keep a separate mini-shop vac around for ease of emptying pellets?
I can take some pics of how I switch if it is interesting for you. I will be doing it again on Wednesday afternoon.
I love the recteq and switched out a gmg for it. Support is incredible.