In the end I decided to move my smoke under my car port and rigged an extension to the smoker's chimney out of some old dyer pipe and boy was I glad I did because well, it was some Saturday. :shock:
I loaded up my fire box at 5am and man the wind was whipping and the rain was comin down in buckets. At 5:15am I heard a loud crash and the power was out because 100 foot tree took out the power lines about 500 yards down the road. :(
We had friends in from out of town and we were planning on biscuits and gravy for breakfast so since I had my smoker rolling anyways I decided to try something out I got my dutch oven and cooked biscuits in it by placing it in my firebox. While they were cookin in the fire box I got my skillet hot and used the warming try on top of the firebox to make the gravy. For lunch we ate one of the chickens I was smoking and for dinner I got the dutch oven back out and took some of the chicken mixed it with some spices, some broth and some noodles put it back in the firebox and wammo Chicken soup, which we ate with the left over biscuits. Through out the day the wind had gusts of over 60 miles an hour the rain came and went, I had to make a make-shift wind breaker but other than that the old ECB came through like a champ. I even made a little smoked cheese dip by putting some Velveeta in a pan with some chopped peppers, onions and hot sauce then sticking it in the smoker for a half hour. Man, we ate like kings and queens feasting on fatties as I would pull them off the smoker, muchin on chips with smoky-cheese dip and drinkin a few cold ones. No one noticed we didnâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]t have power, well at least they didnâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]t complain. :)
When the day was done, at about 10pm I had smoked the following; 3 Chickens, 3 Fatties, (2) 7 lb pork roasts and a 10 lb brisket. I also made an awesome new cheese dip and found a great use for my dutch oven. Oh yeah the power came back on around 11:30pm so I was able to pull the pork and slice the brisket with the assistance of the good old electric light. 8)
Iâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]ll try to post some pics when I get home tonight.