Ok so I have a big smoke that I'm going to start today.
Will the end result be drastically different in these 2 methods?
I am asking because staying up tending the smoker all night isn't what I want to do but I will if I have to.
The Cook is 8 butts and 4 brisket. I do plan to wrap in butcher paper when the stall hits.
Method 1. Cook today, reheat on the smoker tomorrow and hold in yeti cooler from noon to 5pm.
Method 2. Start the Cook tonight, tend smoker, finish up tomorrow morning, hold in yeti cooler from noon to 5pm.
I'm trying to think how best to answer this but I'm stuck on what to say haha.
The reason? I see 8 butts and 4 briskets (whole packers) even if started at 8am today taking until like 6am tomorrow to finish if doing at like 275F. I mean I've never done that much meat in one go and I run mine naked the entire time so the timing is really throwing me off.
If this is the case then I would pull them at 6am tomorrow morning tightly double foil wrap them all and throw them all on top of each other in your yeti cooler and I think they should hold temp for 12 hours with that much heated mass.
So this is why I'm a little stuck.
Now lets say you can complete method 1. Reheating that much meat to 165-170F which would be needed to shred the pork and slice the brisket and it be nice and hot to eat would take a considerable amount of time. Like start at from fridge to 170F may take all that meat 6-7hrs+ is my guess. I know warming one 10 pound pork butt from fridge to 170F for pulling takes me like 4-5 hours at like 300F oven temp.
So to me Method 1 may not be saving anytime especially if they come off 5-6 hours before you have to put them back on.
So method 2 I again think would take so long in cooking that you would have to plan to put them on now and hope they come off in time to rest 4-5hours in the cooler before serving at meal time.
Again I don't know your smoker and I've never worked that much meat at once so I'm not sure I'm very helpful other than giving some food for thought to consider. If you know your timings with that much meat well and know you can reheat that much meat with no issue then ignore everything I'm saying here.
I just want to raise some points to consider so that you hit your serving time with well cooked meat which is the most important combination of factors to work with :)