Potted pork - an "East of the Iron Curtain" approach

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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
Apr 3, 2014
Toronto, Canada
I have arranged for a whole hog next month so I need to clear some space in the freezer.

This is one of the methods my parents (and millions others) used to preserve meats when big a$$ freezers were not common. Once cooked, the meats were stored in lard in a vessel like this.

Every once in a while we would fish out a few pieces, fry them quickly and have a delicious , quick meal. As long as the meat was covered back it would last a long time at room temps. It was always fun digging pieces out, not knowing what you will get (you will see why).

I will confit the meats at higher temps than duck confit (confire = to preserve in French).

Started with some pork sirloin and jowl (that was butchered (badly), not worth curing/drying it).
Cut up the meat in large chunks, then left overnight with salt, pepper, cracked pepper, juniper berries and bay leaves. Washed next day, dried and cooked for more than 4h in a Dutch oven, in the oven.

Breaks apart with the back of the fork


Will save these in the fridge until the next components are done: smoked meats and sausages.
The can at the top of the thread comes in many sizes...the one we had when I was a kid was around 4 gallon. But you can have as much (little) meat as you want in it as along as you cover it with lard.
Here I am using a ceramic pot. I think it's 1 gallon in size.
This is really interesting. When you poured the mekted lard over the cooked meats was it in the one gal container?? Did you refrigerate it all, or leave it in a cold room?? This is uncharted water for me.

Since there was no plated shot, I'm assuming there's more to come?

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