Afternoon all! So, after looking all summer for pickling cukes. I finally found some. At Wegmans no less! At 2.00 a pound. I just got enough for 2 quarts.
Before I proceed. Understand that these are NOT SHELF STABLE! These are fridge pickles. The ratio I'm using is 3:1 here. 3 parts water, one part vinegar. Sometimes I want a milder dill pickle. And these fit the bill.
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2 pounds pickling cukes and fresh dill.
Trim off the blossom end of each cuke. And slice whatever way you choose. I just sliced these in half length wise.
In each quart jar I put 1/4 tsp pickle crisp and 1 TBS minced garlic. Along with a healthy amount of fresh dill. And a couple pickled peppers. And pack with the cukes.
For the brine 3:1 water and vinegar and 2 TBS of pickling salt. Brought to a mild boil. Then add to the jars.
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Vacuum sealed and into the fridge for a few days before eating. These come out crunchy with a mild vinegar/dill taste with a hit of garlic.