Sounds like you are getting the blowtorch flame too deep into the pellets. I did that my first few tries and really burned through the pellets quickly. Turn down the blowtorch as low as it will go.
Question for Bear. in the link you posted you described it like this....
I light it with my torch, and then blow on it every few minutes, in the direction of the bottom of the unburned pellets, until I get a real deep, good sized cigar-like cherry going.
When you say cigar like cherry, do you then push or pile that cigar shape to make a tighter cherry bundle or leave it spread out? I will get mine going and about half a row is already burning in the 10-15 minutes I have let it go. not sure if I should just leave it spread out or push them together?
I never had it spread out.
Question for Bear. in the link you posted you described it like this....
I light it with my torch, and then blow on it every few minutes, in the direction of the bottom of the unburned pellets, until I get a real deep, good sized cigar-like cherry going.
When you say cigar like cherry, do you then push or pile that cigar shape to make a tighter cherry bundle or leave it spread out? I will get mine going and about half a row is already burning in the 10-15 minutes I have let it go. not sure if I should just leave it spread out or push them together?
That's what I use, except I use what they call the "Fat Boy" tank.
Try this. So many uses but terrific for lighting pellets. Fast and sure.
$30 @
:welcome1: Hi "M", I have an 30" MES and successfully use my A-maz-n pellet smoker in it. I had problems at first also, but what I do now is fill the pellets to the amount I want to use and then empty the pellets onto a dinner plate on top of two paper towels and microwave for 2 minutes, then stir the pellets and microwave for 1 minute more. I then return the pellets to the a-maz n and light them and let them burn with a flame for 6-7 minutes, blow out the flame and put in MES on the rods to the left of the chip tray. I pull the chip tray open to about 1 1/2" and the pull the chip loader out about 1". Top vent must be wide open. I now have thin blue every time. I hope this helps you. It's a little bit of extra fussing, but it works every time.