Newbie from New York

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Original poster
Aug 2, 2007
Just wanted to say hello. I have been lurking on the site for the past couple of weeks reading up on gas smokers. After two weeks of research I went out tonight and got a GOSM. I would of liked to get the block but the only way was to order it and get it delivered which would add $100 to the cost. I settled on the 20x14.

Thank you all for the great information. I am sure I will be on here a lot now that I have found this site.

I have very little smoke experience. I used a kettle one a couple times years ago to make venison jerky. It was good but I was young then and had no time and did not cook much at all. Also my grandfather used to smoke a lot of fish. Sturgeon, salmon, bullhead come to mind and it was great.

I cook a lot now and grill an awful lot. I grill year around even if I have to shovel several feet of snow to do so. I live up in the snowbelt of NY. I am looking forward to getting bsuy smoking! I will be seasoning it tomorrow and then there are ribs in the fridge!! Also got a big london broil in there but not sure how to do that.
Welcome Fletch -

Nice to have some more folks from the great North East! Not many off us! There's a ton of info here and some still to come! Enjoy!
Welcome to SMF, Fletch and hello from Canada,there are lots of GOSM,users here and will have all the info and help you need to get the most from your new purchase,look forward to sharing info and pics with ya,see ya in the forums
Fletch, welcome to the SMF. As Debi said there are a lo of GOSM users amongst us, just waiting to help someone that shares a common interest.
Thanks for the welcome guys!!

meowey where are you out of? I am just north west of Syracuse in Phoenix NY. I am up in the Dacks a lot.
Welcome Fletch!

You will get lots of good info here. That GOSM will show you much love.
Ask lots of questions, and post lots of pics of your smokes! We love pics!

A hearty welcome from sunny Delaware Fletch! Let me take this opportunity to suggest signing up for Jeff's 5 day ecourse... it is chocked full of great info.

Glad you joined us!
How do you guys stand this????

I am halfway through my first smoke and it smells and looks so freakin good. It is driving me nuts. I got a feeling there may be a lot of smoking going on around here!! Thank goodness I work from home!
gypsyseagod is right. Welcome to he best forum on the net for BBQ. This place rocks and the people are friendly.
Hi Fletch!...Welcome to the SMF!...
...We're glad to have you aboard!!...

Sorry it took so long to welcome you to our family!...Been offline here
due to ISP/computer problems since July 2...

Until later...
Thanks for the welcome!

I have done ribs 2x first one was great second not quite as good but good.

Did a bunch of salmon that was pretty good.

ATBs twice both awesome!

One whole chicken that was awesome!

May do a turkey next and gotta try a fatty.
1st welcome to SMF

2nd I want to quote & say ditto to so many I'll just list a couple

I love your avitar, The only way to stand the smell & look is to time a couple fattys to munch while smoking or to just wait & get more hyped up so it tastes better when you can finally eat it. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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