Yessir, the OTG is sure a fine grillin' machine. One little trick I picked up for the charcoal ignition process, instead of newspaper, I use last years phone books. Look at this way, the phone books seem to muliply like hangers, always a lot of them around. Rip out a few pages (7-8), crumple them up, well you know the routine and go for it. The phone books are easily stored and compact. (at least mine are) What's with this adding olive oil? My briq's fire off without any assistance from olive oil just fine. Got better use for olive oil. I've already added a couple of mods to my 22.5 OTG. Drilled some holes, in the vicinity of the handles so I can pass through the thermometer leads for the ET-73's and 732's. AND I have the cast iron grill for some outstanding grill marks, amongst other things. My 5 burner Ducane grill is mighty lonely, but that's life. Since this is my first real venture into the charcoal/lump arena, it's a rather steep learning curve. Temp control being the most important of them.