All I can say is erain made me do it.
I just had to try out his suggestion for grilled tomatoes. My variation is that I used Mexican blended cheese (that's what I had on hand) and some fine chopped bell peppers (the rest of the peppers ended up in the dehydrator, waste not, want not). Meat was pork loin chop that I'd tenderized for schnetzil and then changed my mind. Marinated in buttermilk, vac sealed for about 4 hours, then used Simply Marvelous Cherry Rub. Just a little spice to it. Just right for the wimps of the world like me who'd rather taste the meat than be overwhelmed by the HEAT. All hit the Weber grill over Royal Oak Lump (you guys are right, lump is much better for grilling, what a great taste). I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking for me. Enjoy, I know we sure did.
Yes, they smelled as good as they look.......
And there we have it. I do want to add one more comment and that relates to buttermilk. Previously, that was something my Grandmother served us and it was TERRIBLE. Yuck. Well since joining this merry crowd and seeing how others were using buttermilk as an aid in cooking, we tried it and discovered, hey cooked, it ain't half bad. So, thanks again for leading another into the light.
And I gotta agree and SWMBO highly endorses this remark, try them grilled tomatoes, they were fabulous.
Thanks for joining me on this venture.

Yes, they smelled as good as they look.......
And there we have it. I do want to add one more comment and that relates to buttermilk. Previously, that was something my Grandmother served us and it was TERRIBLE. Yuck. Well since joining this merry crowd and seeing how others were using buttermilk as an aid in cooking, we tried it and discovered, hey cooked, it ain't half bad. So, thanks again for leading another into the light.
And I gotta agree and SWMBO highly endorses this remark, try them grilled tomatoes, they were fabulous.
Thanks for joining me on this venture.