MES 40 rebuild - back insulation replacement?

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Fire Starter
Original poster
Jul 5, 2020
I'm rebuilding my MES 40 and basically only keeping the cabinet itself and the heating element. Using an Auber 1520 PID controller, an Auber circulation fan, and adding a rotisserie as well. The insulation on the back is mostly good but is uneven and bulged out in some spots so the back cover does not close flat. Can I just rip this insulation out and replace it with something else that can be cut to the right size and shape? I'm hoping there is something I can just go pick up at the local hardware store. What would you suggest using?
Pictures from back and side view to show how much it sticks out
Pulled the trigger on a 48"x24"x1" Pre-Cut Ceramic Insulation 8lb 2300F - between this and the PID it should give me many more years of use!
Let us know how this works out. Not the first time this has come up. I had doubts being we are talking temps well below where the ceramic was intended to work, still might though. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.