I picked up a used MES 40 bluetooth on the cheap. I'm going to do an ammo can / mailbox mod as I want to try my hand at cold smoking some bacon, cheese etc. Eventually I want to move into small batches of smoked sausages also. Thinking about doing the PID thing too. I have a bunch of questions that I'll eventually get to, but my main concern is the window. When I got it home I plugged it in, threw some chips in it and set it for full blast, 275. Works like a champ. Didn't pay any attention to how long it took to get to temp, but it was having no problem letting all the smoke out of the chips. My concern is the amount of heat I could feel when I put my hand to the window. Warm to the touch more so than any where else on the smoker, but not scorching hot. Is this a problem I need to deal with or am I making a big deal out of nothing? I'm guessing there are window free doors out there that would fit if I could find a dead or really cheap used one??
Any advice would be great as I'd like to start this in motion so when the weather eventually cools off a bit more I'll be half way ready.
Any advice would be great as I'd like to start this in motion so when the weather eventually cools off a bit more I'll be half way ready.