Hello all you smokers !
This is my first thread and my first build. The reason I say leave it so a Canadian is this build could be a reverse flow, it's sort of a side fire box (?), it's UDS but sideways hahaha, so I guess it belongs in "other" LOL
I have a number of photos and comments so you may want to get a few cans of pop ready or start cooking. By the time you are done reading your coordination may be off or you are ready to eat :-)
Thanks to this forum, I started to cook with smoke/mops/rubs and I'm comfortable with the style, I still have so much more to learn.
I'm in awe with master welders like Tom and his buddies. I've never welded (yet) and more comfortable with wood. I told my wife I had to build something so she said I had an unlimited budget as long as it's under $50. She ice fishes with me and is pretty cool so I know I'm good for $60 LOL
My goal is to use what I have, get what I can for nothing (One man's garbage is another man's gold"), and be very proud of my build. I will use tools I'm not used to so this is definitely a learning experience!
So meet Joe - he just came out of the ice hut (mini house LOL) No cost to this build.
I got free skids and cut one in half, this is the frame for base, Joe's new home!
The photos were taken with my phone - so they are not the best :-(
Now I have a feel for size and scale.
I took fire board from the ice hut and placed it as flooring - we have to think about safety and all that good stuff :-)
I took some strapping and a couple of screws per and Joe is tied down real good :-)
Don't mind the sand,
Ok, so here we go and time for a beer LOL,
This is the elbow I'm going to use.
I used painter's tape to show where I need to cut. This is my first time with a grinder, thanks to Santa.
No action photos, I still have all my fingers and managed pretty well :-)
The elbow looks too big (7") but this is the combo I used in the ice hut, so I'm used to it.
I also used the spread sheets mentioned in this forum, and the calculations work :-)
Onward and upward !
Time to check things out, I propped the barrel on Joe with a 2x6 and very quickly took the photo! I realize I need to raise the drum.
This is first of 4 posts that will support the drum.
Now I have 4 posts, carefully measured and level.
I cut a piece of bed frame (free stuff) and screwed it into the posts. I'll be doing the same to the other posts so the drum can sit on them and let the welding begin ... well not yet LOL
I used Santa's grinder to cut the corners so there are no sharp edges sticking out.
I also let some of the elbow extend so it will fit into the drum (not right up against)
The drum's final resting place is almost done.
Sharpie helps mark out the hole that I will also grind out! This was a blast - now I want to cut and grind everything !!
I will weld the drum to the bed frame pieces which are screwed into the posts.
The left posts will be reinforced on the outside and I'll make small shelves on the inside.
I have a few more ideas to make the stronger stronger.
Don't pay any attention to the shopping cart full of beer cans (background) that was my previous project hahaha (joke)
The drum is loosely sitting on the rails.
Part II will involve removing the drum, getting it all ready (cutting, burning, welding), and of course making grills. Finally I'll make a nice 2 "x 8" counter/shelf unit on the cooking side (current view)
Part III will be my first Cooking Experience !!
So far this project cost me me $3.00 for new 2x4 LOL.
That's it for now please let me know what you think.
Dave in Ottawa -
Canadian eh !
I'll be calling this masterpiece "Smokin' Joe"
This is my first thread and my first build. The reason I say leave it so a Canadian is this build could be a reverse flow, it's sort of a side fire box (?), it's UDS but sideways hahaha, so I guess it belongs in "other" LOL
I have a number of photos and comments so you may want to get a few cans of pop ready or start cooking. By the time you are done reading your coordination may be off or you are ready to eat :-)
Thanks to this forum, I started to cook with smoke/mops/rubs and I'm comfortable with the style, I still have so much more to learn.
I'm in awe with master welders like Tom and his buddies. I've never welded (yet) and more comfortable with wood. I told my wife I had to build something so she said I had an unlimited budget as long as it's under $50. She ice fishes with me and is pretty cool so I know I'm good for $60 LOL
My goal is to use what I have, get what I can for nothing (One man's garbage is another man's gold"), and be very proud of my build. I will use tools I'm not used to so this is definitely a learning experience!
So meet Joe - he just came out of the ice hut (mini house LOL) No cost to this build.
I got free skids and cut one in half, this is the frame for base, Joe's new home!
The photos were taken with my phone - so they are not the best :-(
Now I have a feel for size and scale.
I took fire board from the ice hut and placed it as flooring - we have to think about safety and all that good stuff :-)
I took some strapping and a couple of screws per and Joe is tied down real good :-)
Don't mind the sand,
Ok, so here we go and time for a beer LOL,
This is the elbow I'm going to use.
I used painter's tape to show where I need to cut. This is my first time with a grinder, thanks to Santa.
No action photos, I still have all my fingers and managed pretty well :-)
The elbow looks too big (7") but this is the combo I used in the ice hut, so I'm used to it.
I also used the spread sheets mentioned in this forum, and the calculations work :-)
Onward and upward !
Time to check things out, I propped the barrel on Joe with a 2x6 and very quickly took the photo! I realize I need to raise the drum.
This is first of 4 posts that will support the drum.
Now I have 4 posts, carefully measured and level.
I cut a piece of bed frame (free stuff) and screwed it into the posts. I'll be doing the same to the other posts so the drum can sit on them and let the welding begin ... well not yet LOL
I used Santa's grinder to cut the corners so there are no sharp edges sticking out.
I also let some of the elbow extend so it will fit into the drum (not right up against)
The drum's final resting place is almost done.
Sharpie helps mark out the hole that I will also grind out! This was a blast - now I want to cut and grind everything !!
I will weld the drum to the bed frame pieces which are screwed into the posts.
The left posts will be reinforced on the outside and I'll make small shelves on the inside.
I have a few more ideas to make the stronger stronger.
Don't pay any attention to the shopping cart full of beer cans (background) that was my previous project hahaha (joke)
The drum is loosely sitting on the rails.
Part II will involve removing the drum, getting it all ready (cutting, burning, welding), and of course making grills. Finally I'll make a nice 2 "x 8" counter/shelf unit on the cooking side (current view)
Part III will be my first Cooking Experience !!
So far this project cost me me $3.00 for new 2x4 LOL.
That's it for now please let me know what you think.
Dave in Ottawa -
Canadian eh !
I'll be calling this masterpiece "Smokin' Joe"