Still like my new offset OK reverse, but am finding it more difficult to muster up th motivation to do a "big cook." I've still got a MB electric (actually have two but one's digital controller took a shit on the second cook, and HD gave me a 140 in it's place. I've been finding myself using the MB electric in lieu of feeding the offset monster a bag of lump and some overpriced chunks to do small cooks. Example. I make "bacon" almost every week and there's always a pork belly with with pink and pepper curing in my spare frig at any time. When I make trip-tips (2-4 lbs.) it's so much easier to set the MB at 225 and fed it chips than to try and moderate heat in the offset for a 2 hr cook for a reverse sear. we are just a two people family and currently have pounds of beautiful butt vacuumed in the freezer. I got a little brisket flat ( cause our meat selection in S Florida sucks), and I'm really considering putting it in the electric smoker. Granted, when we have a party and need to feed masses the offset is great. but not seeing it for a weeknight dinner.
OK rant or random thoughts over.
smoke on....
OK rant or random thoughts over.
smoke on....