Just about 35 years ago I was broke as heck and needed a job. I had worked in concessions in fairs for about 5 years and was tired of the vagrant life ( loved it for quite awhile and it's where I developed passion for grilling) I was so broke that with 20/200 vision I couldn't afford to replace my broken regular glasses and had to wear my prescription sunglasses 24/7. I took a job at less than minimum wage cutting cabbage with migrants so I could check on an application down the road daily. Finally despite my Roy Orbison appearance
they gave me a job sweeping the floor in the dirtiest part of the plant. About 2 years in I was on the verge of getting fired as apparently the job was interfering far too much with my relationship with alcohol. ( Previously it had interfered with my acceptance to a 6 year med program out of high school) My supervisor at the time had a long talk with me and magically it stuck. Rehab it was and I've been clean and sober since (did I mention my love for freebase?) After that I worked every job they had manufacturing and the lab. They finally figured out I was a pretty fart smeller and gave me a salary role travelling to learn and rollout SAP to our plants. I thrived at that moving quickly into a corporate leadership position and it launched my professional career. I've had many roles since mostly on the commercial side of our business, inside sales manager, customer service manager, sales and most recently the job Id aimed at for years commercial manager for our team selling into the transportation market. I've been very successful at that and with mixed feelings retire from that role as and the company the 30th. With a down economy, like many companies they offered a package and it was to good to turn down. Mind is a whirl of nervous and excited all at the same time. We shall see what the future brings. During this whirlwind last 6 months I also got an unwanted divorce and came to terms with my personal struggles with anxiety, panic attacks and depression all of which I'm working on As you can see I've been a bit preoccupied which is why I post far fewer cooks. I hope soon in the future I'm much more inspired to post more frequently again. Whelp as I said, last time to say damn tomorrow's Monday! If you read all this thanks for humoring me. It was therapeutic for me to type it out 

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