Last "Damn its almost Monday!"

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Epic Pitmaster
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Jun 13, 2017
Northeast Ohio
Just about 35 years ago I was broke as heck and needed a job. I had worked in concessions in fairs for about 5 years and was tired of the vagrant life ( loved it for quite awhile and it's where I developed passion for grilling) I was so broke that with 20/200 vision I couldn't afford to replace my broken regular glasses and had to wear my prescription sunglasses 24/7. I took a job at less than minimum wage cutting cabbage with migrants so I could check on an application down the road daily. Finally despite my Roy Orbison appearance 😎 they gave me a job sweeping the floor in the dirtiest part of the plant. About 2 years in I was on the verge of getting fired as apparently the job was interfering far too much with my relationship with alcohol. ( Previously it had interfered with my acceptance to a 6 year med program out of high school) My supervisor at the time had a long talk with me and magically it stuck. Rehab it was and I've been clean and sober since (did I mention my love for freebase?) After that I worked every job they had manufacturing and the lab. They finally figured out I was a pretty fart smeller and gave me a salary role travelling to learn and rollout SAP to our plants. I thrived at that moving quickly into a corporate leadership position and it launched my professional career. I've had many roles since mostly on the commercial side of our business, inside sales manager, customer service manager, sales and most recently the job Id aimed at for years commercial manager for our team selling into the transportation market. I've been very successful at that and with mixed feelings retire from that role as and the company the 30th. With a down economy, like many companies they offered a package and it was to good to turn down. Mind is a whirl of nervous and excited all at the same time. We shall see what the future brings. During this whirlwind last 6 months I also got an unwanted divorce and came to terms with my personal struggles with anxiety, panic attacks and depression all of which I'm working on As you can see I've been a bit preoccupied which is why I post far fewer cooks. I hope soon in the future I'm much more inspired to post more frequently again. Whelp as I said, last time to say damn tomorrow's Monday! If you read all this thanks for humoring me. It was therapeutic for me to type it out 😆
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Congratulations on the soon upcoming retirement Jeff!
Sounds like you've been on one hell of a journey but also sounds it's going in the right direction now!

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Just about 35 years ago I was broke as heck and needed a job. I had worked in concessions in fairs for about 5 years and was tired of the vagrant life ( loved it for quite awhile and it's where I developed passion for grilling) I was so broke that with 20/200 vision I couldn't afford to replace my broken regular glasses and had to wear my prescription sunglasses 24/7. I took a job at less than minimum wage cutting cabbage with migrants so I could check on an application down the road daily. Finally despite my Roy Orbison appearance 😎 they gave me a job sweeping the floor in the dirtiest part of the plant. About 2 years in I was on the verge of getting fired as apparently the job was interfering far too much with my relationship with alcohol. ( Previously it had interfered with my acceptance to a 6 year med program out of high school) My supervisor at the time had a long talk with me and magically it stuck. Rehab it was and I've been clean and sober since (did I mention my love for freebase?) After that I worked every job they had manufacturing and the lab. They finally figured out I was a pretty fart smeller and gave me a salary role travelling to learn and rollout SAP to our plants. I thrived at that moving quickly into a corporate leadership position and it launched my professional career. I've had many roles since mostly on the commercial side of our business, inside sales manager, customer service manager, sales and most recently the job Id aimed at for years commercial manager for our team selling into the transportation market. I've been very successful at that and with mixed feelings retire from that role as ond the company the 30th. With a down economy like many companies they offered a package and it was to good to turn down. Mind is a whirl of nervous and excited all at the same time. We shall see what the future brings. During this whirlwind last 6 months I also got an unwanted divorce and came to terms with my personal struggles with anxiety, panic attacks and depression all of which I'm working on As you can see I've been a bit preoccupied which is why I post far fewer cooks. I hope soon in the future I'm much more inspired to post more frequently again. Whelp as I said, last time to say damn tomorrow's Monday! If you read all this thanks for humoring me. It was therapeutic for me to type it out 😆

I just had a conversation with my best friend over a few ice cold barley pops about this very thing. Boils down to this; each of us is one of one in a pool of about 7 point something billion. Live your life!
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Congrats on the yrs of sobriety and retirement Jeff ! You already knows what the valley looks like and your climbing the hill again! Enjoy your free days and you're ready for every life has to offer!
Reach out anytime friend!

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All the best bud! Like Charles'll be alright!! Keep yourself busy with something you enjoy. Congrats on the sobriety as well. Keep your head up one day at a time!
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Congratulations on the soon upcoming retirement Jeff!
Sounds like you've been on one hell of a journey but also sounds it's going in the right direction now!

Thanks Ryan, I'm confident that the future will be what it's supposed to be. All that remains is to find out!
Jeff, congrats on the retirement and welcome to the other side of life, you will be just fine...
Thank man! All my retired friends seem to love it!
Life . That's what it brings . Sound corny ? Maybe , but it's the truth .
Sorry to hear about the split .
Thanks Rich. It was sure unexpected. We still chat often and I routinely visit to feed my step daughter with her. Yep life it will be
I just had a conversation with my best friend over a few ice cold barley pops about this very thing. Boils down to this; each of us is one of one in a pool of about 7 point something billion. Live your life!
Thats the plan for sure. Plan on some cooking and fishing for a month or two. Then I'm going to ponder how I want to pass my time.
Congrats on the yrs of sobriety and retirement Jeff ! You already knows what the valley looks like and your climbing the hill again! Enjoy your free days and you're ready for every life has to offer!
Reach out anytime friend!

Thanks Keith! 33 years in August and the only reason I have anything or anyone in my life. I'm grateful to say the least.
Congratulations on your retirement. Sorry to hear of the recent divorce. Hopefully the smf comments on her wood stacking didn’t play a role in her leaving. Enjoy your next page of life.
Thanks Peachey. Pretty sure it wasn't a major factor lol
Congratulations on the retirement. Sorry to hear about the divorce. I’m glad you are working on your personal issues. Depression is no joke and I hope you have someone to talk with. I hope your kids are doing ok. Best wishes to all.
No words of wisdom as you Sir, figured it out.
Jeff very good for you . Sorry for the late in life problems , sometimes they just pile up.
And if you can stand on top of them all and still breath, well done.

Enjoy the early retirement and without the early troubles and well life you would not be who you are today.

Congrats Jeff.

Congratulations on the retirement. Sorry to hear about the divorce. I’m glad you are working on your personal issues. Depression is no joke and I hope you have someone to talk with. I hope your kids are doing ok. Best wishes to all.
Thanks! I've had many friends with those issues over the years. I guess it's my turn. Mostly the anxiety and panic attacks. I'm very open with it. It's improved a lot since I owned up to it and took steps to work on it.
No words of wisdom as you Sir, figured it out.
Jeff very good for you . Sorry for the late in life problems , sometimes they just pile up.
And if you can stand on top of them all and still breath, well done.

Enjoy the early retirement and without the early troubles and well life you would not be who you are today.

Congrats Jeff.

Thanks for the kind words David. Despite my issues I am still grateful for a much more blessed life than I ever thought I'd have.
Congrats, going to pull the plug sometime after November myself, maybe a year or not lol
Awesome! I'm excited but it just seems odd to not have a job lol.
Congrats on the retirement.
Keep working at something else if ya want to, work or play.

I'm with ya on the sobriety with what is it now, 27? years without drugs/alcohol.

Sorry to hear about the divorce.
Thanks for the kind words. I'm good mg to definitely work at something for myself whether it's just passion projects or actually a pocket cash hobby. Congrats on 27!
Congrats on the retirement, Jeff. And congrats of facing your life's challenges head on, sharing them bravely with us. Many of us have walked, or are walking, the paths you mentioned, complete with the physical and emotional scars.

Do what you love in retirement that keeps you sane, sober, busy, and strong. I call that my therapy.
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Congrats on the Retirement Jeff. Also sorry for the divorce. Once you settle in to the retirement life, you'll be fine. As John Lennon said: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." Another Congrats on the 33!
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I'm excited but it just seems odd to not have a job
Because that's who we become . So many years of providing . Your time now .
I went out in 2017 . I'm still trying to be normal . Damn Construction makes you mean .
I love doing what I want . Still doesn't seem real . Jeff , you're gonna be good at it .
Thanks for sharing Jeff. It helps to get things out there. I really struggled when I decided to retire but after it all said and done was the right thing to do for me. I wish you the best of luck on your new journey.
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Really admire your found fortitude Jeff. It's very up lifting to read you have tackled these demons and continue to move forward despite the life's obstacles. Truly hope your best job (retirement) brings some well deserved pleasure. Keep hanging in there bud! is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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