JJ's Finishing Sauce...Awesome!!!

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chef jimmyj

Gone but not forgotten. RIP
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May 12, 2011
In the last couple of weeks I have made Pit Chicken twice per my families request. It occured to me the the Basting sauce, which is primarily Vinegar, would make a great Finishing Sauce for Pulled Pork... I modified the the recipe by removing the oil, there is enough fat in PP, and the Egg Yolks, no need to emulsify. It worked out great! I have used SoFlaQers sauce and thought it was good but this went beyond with more Flavor from the additional spices and the Worcestershire Sauce. I thing you SFQ fans will enjoy this one. I made Pulled Pork to day and used it...Sorry there is no Qview, my kids had the Cameras out at the picnics they are at, but you all know I don't post without Testing a recipe to get it right. Here it is...Enjoy...JJ

JJ's Finishing Sauce

2C Apple Cider Vinegar

2T Worcestershire Sauce or more to taste

1/4C Brown Sugar

1T Smoked Paprika

2 tsp Granulated Garlic

2 tsp Granulated Onion

2 tsp Fine Grind Black Pepper

1 tsp Celery Salt

1 tsp Cayenne Pepper or Chipotle powder. Add more if you like Heat.

1/2 tsp Grnd Allspice

Combine all and whisk well. Let rest, at room temp, 30 minutes for the flavors to meld together.

Makes 2 1/4 Cup. This is enough for an 8-9 Lb Butt with approx half mixed in and half served at the table.
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Just in time

got two butts on right now at 178 (IT)

add this to evernotes file and will use this on them !!!!

will let you know how it turns out

thanks for all the great Recipes that you have shared on SMF.
Thanks Chef Jimmy! I've copied it down and will have to try it in the not too distant future. 

I will say the Au Jus for Brisket is fantastic and I'm going to modify it for a butt I'm going to smoke. Boyfriend loved the Au Jus so much

he wanted to know if I could adapt it to the butt. 

I'll definitely get it posted and the modifications/results!
Yes Thank You Jimmy! I did your sweet rib foiling juice today and my Dad and Sis Loved it!!! Every recipe of yours I have tried has been Great! Next PP I do I will defiantly been using this, Thanks!
Thanks everyone...I'm real happy with this recipe. I used it in the PP then some KC style Sauce on top. The sweet and sour played off perfectly with the richness of the pork...JJ
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Had some more of this Pulled Pork last night. I think it got better after resting a couple of days. Yum!...JJ
Thanks ..  I plan on doing a big pulled pork for camping this year I will try this recipe  .. I plan way ahead as I don't like to be in the dark when its cooking time ..
One question for you .. How long will pulled pork stay well in the fridge ? Yes I take a fridge to camp with me
Had some more of this Pulled Pork last night. I think it got better after resting a couple of days. Yum!...JJ
i have been finding that out also. when i make a sauce i need to let it rest for 2 days or so. the flavors need time to blend a little.

adding this sauce to my cookbook as well. once i do a Butt,I will try it. i'm really getting put off by commercial products once i started making then from scratch.
I steal a LOT of recipes .  Most of the best ones are pretty simple.  This one sounds simple enough .  I am willing to bet it WILL be Great..

Consider it stole..  Hemi..
Stolen....I mean Cut-N-Pasted to my recipe book

Anything with AllSpice can't be all bad

Thanks ..  I plan on doing a big pulled pork for camping this year I will try this recipe  .. I plan way ahead as I don't like to be in the dark when its cooking time ..
One question for you .. How long will pulled pork stay well in the fridge ? Yes I take a fridge to camp with me
 Rita I just checked it, day 7 and still tasty. That's as far as I will go. We will finish it tonite...JJ
Can't wait to try it! Does SFQ still post here at SMF ?
 I have been a round over a year and don't remember seeing a post of his...JJ
Hey, JJ!

Thanks for sharing this recipe.  I'll give it a try later this week, (probably the weekend), and let you know how it went!  I've been toying with a variant of a vinegar sauce recipe I had trying to come up with a good "finishing sauce."
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