This morning we were supposed to get freezing rain/snow turning to rain later. We get very little of this kind of weather and aren't really prepared for it so it's the perfect time to make some vegetable soup and cornbread. With pretty much everything shutdown today, because that's what we do when the forecast is like it was, today's the day...
The lineup...
I had the bone left from a double smoked ham that I cooked around Thanksgiving. Into a pot, covered with water, and brought to a boil for a couple of hours...
Picked the meat off the bone and added the rest of the vegetables. Allowed to simmer until all was tender...
Next the cornbread, or corn cake as I call it. Couple of boxes of Jiffy Corn Muffin mix, a can of cream corn, some chopped up jalapenos, 2 eggs, and enough milk to get the consistency I was looking for...
Into a cast iron skillet greased up with some unsalted butter and into a 400℉ oven for about 25 minutes or until it gets brown like we like it...
Bowl of soup and some corn cake with butter. Time to eat...
Other than maybe some chili, I can't think of much that's as good or warms me up like homemade vegetable soup. We did have some freezing rain, but by noon it was just rain...
The lineup...
I had the bone left from a double smoked ham that I cooked around Thanksgiving. Into a pot, covered with water, and brought to a boil for a couple of hours...
Picked the meat off the bone and added the rest of the vegetables. Allowed to simmer until all was tender...
Next the cornbread, or corn cake as I call it. Couple of boxes of Jiffy Corn Muffin mix, a can of cream corn, some chopped up jalapenos, 2 eggs, and enough milk to get the consistency I was looking for...
Into a cast iron skillet greased up with some unsalted butter and into a 400℉ oven for about 25 minutes or until it gets brown like we like it...
Bowl of soup and some corn cake with butter. Time to eat...
Other than maybe some chili, I can't think of much that's as good or warms me up like homemade vegetable soup. We did have some freezing rain, but by noon it was just rain...