Thanks Tom, yes. I did survive. I will say I had a few moments when things were looking bleak regarding electrical requirements, but I quickly realized that was the only real issue I had to work out...once that problem was solved I was on a roll...just had to keep a cool head. Stress level wasn't bad...well after getting all the hot foods cooking/reheating that is. Keeping myself busy while everyone else was doing their thing actually kept my stress down, I think.Congratulations to all, glad you survived.
Thanks Dave! I'd do it again in a heartbeat...OK, hold that thought...I need about 6 months or so to make sure I have all of my faculties back in order, then, I'd do it again...LOL!!!Eric....... that's cool...... all turned out GREAT !!!!! Congrats to the father of the bride...... and everyone else.... Dave
Thanks Dave! If it weren't for the fact that I'm my own worst critic, I'd probably be break-dancing right now, but I have hinted to the family about what they thought of it all, even before we left to go home, and they said they heard of no complaints and all was good, so I have to keep that in mind, along with a few things I know I could have done better, but for a buffet set-up for an expected ~100 people, it's not a bad first run. I'll try to remember to pat myself on the back once in a while...![]()
I'm happy it all came together as good as it sounds, I bet it was even better!
It is Awesome you were able to do this for your daughter!! did have me sweating a few times at the reception venue, but it did all come together pretty well in the end. I knew the precooked meats would work for what I intended, as long as I did the final prep according to plan. I'm sure there will be many t5hings I learned from this that I will take with me if I do something like this again...great experience to see first-hand what it really takes to make it happen.Congratulations on a job well done!!
Thanks Curtis! Yes, when you're planning a cook for larger groups it is more difficult to estimate accurately just how much of everything you will need, so playing it safe with extra is your best choice. It does relieve a lot of stress when you know you won't run out of food...that's got to be the worst feeling to have hanging on your shoulders, not knowing and being in suspense for days until after you've served your meal. Getting everything perfect...that would be nice, but is not always possible. I have found that if I cook meats that I have good results with and duplicate those methods, I will have the best I can offer on that particular day.Do what works well for you, then don't have to wonder if you might have made a bad decision in an attempt to make changes with something, unless of course when your rolling with the advice of a trusted source.Way to go Eric! Awesome thing you did for your daughter. I'd cut out my kidney with a butter knife and smoke it for my little girl (19) if she asked me. Can't imagine the stress you endured doing this. I do Xmas day dinner every year at my house, for 30 plus peeps. I drive myself nuts wanting everything to be just right and the fear of not having enough food? Omg! Sleepless! Glad you made it thru, and congrats on the new son in law.
You know, you're 100% correct about hiring it out...costs more, which is not always easy for many to swing these days, and the time and work involved really does add up. I don't think I could have stayed in the game all the way to the end if were for someone other than family or close do it for my oldest daughter's wedding was a real boost in the energy bank. It does remind me of our first annual family reunion back in 2010...lots of cooking for that event, but I enjoyed having the opportunity to share my skills with my extended family, and we all enjoyed the food...that was a potluck BBQ, so others were doing side items, etc, but the whole effort of everyone was combined into some fantastic meals.You better pat yourself on the back!!! You deserve it!! You did a lot of work and put your heart into every minute of it and for only one reason.....your daughters most special day!!!! I'm sure she is very happy and proud of you and for that you really deserve a big pat on the back!!!
Anyone can hire a caterer but not many are willing to put forth the effort to make a special day even more special the way you did!!!
Thanks! I think when all the emotional aspects wear off (I'm still having those moments that only a father who has given his daughter's hand in marriage after 20 years of seeing her grow up and make her way into the this big world we live in and call home, will understand), I'll be able to settle down a bit more and realize just what I have accomplished...maybe a quick review of this thread from the start will put things back into perspective for me. It's almost as if everything just happened in the last week, or that the last couple of months was just a dream...but I started planning several months ago, then soon after came the initial bulk food and supplies purchases, and immediately after unloading all of this at home came meat smoking, cheese smoking, meat smoking, and, oh, did I forget that I did A LOT of smoking??? Ha-ha-ha!!! I'll come back around to reality again soon...I hope...LOL!!!WOW,, Nicely Done!! I have been out of town (and off the site) for a couple weeks, come back to see your final accomplishment.
Like you said, most caterers will never add the love that you did and will just dish the food out... and they will never be nearly as self critical of the product they are putting out. Even on one of my best cooks, I still question myself and think of thing that I might change the next time, whilst everybody eating the stuff totally loves it.
Take some time to relish what you just pulled off, give yourself a BIG pat on the back!! (not too big a pat, wouldn't want to see ya break your arm
Hey, Bear! Thanks! It's been a fun, enlightening and humbling ride to see this to the end. Nice to know I can pass on some of the experience through it all. We never stop learning, so even if it's just some little thing that tips the scales in our favor, it helps.Whew!!! Awesome Eric!!! Congrats in so many ways!!!
As for learning from this thread???? I've been around awhile, and I still learn from every one of your posts, not just this one.
Thanks Again, Buddy!!
Thanks!WOW... great job, and awsome post...![]()
Thanks, yes, she has expressed her appreciation for my efforts from the beginning, and is to this day, as well.What a great Dad! Your daughter must be very proud of you doing all this great work.
Thanks, brother! Yeah, that line seemed to be a perfect fit for my experiences throughout all of this...just when I'd think things were turning a bit sour or going sideways on me, even with the crowded smoker at times, it would all come out fine at the end of the day...probably because I just wouldn't give up. And at the end of every day of smoking meats, I could breathe a sigh of relief and know I did the best I knew how, and my best was good enough to meet my expectations. The night before and the day of the wedding was no different, and when we left for the motel, I was still wondering about a few things, but knew I did my best, and slept like a rock that night, with no regrets. I really can't ask for anything more...when it's all said and done, it doesn't get any better.Congratulations and excellent post, gonna have to go over it again.
Just realize that what you put into an event like this will be directly reflected by what you get out of it, and I'm not speaking in terms of money, time and's what comes from the heart. Give it everything you've got and you will not be disappointed in the outcome.
Dude, speaking from experience, I couldn't agree more!
Thanks Toby, I'm sure they will not forget their day, or all of the things we did together as a family to make it happen. My end of it was probably easy compared to what everyone else did for this event, especially the bride...she planned almost everything herself, except for the meal. My part was easy?!?!? Well, OK, walking your daughter down the isle and giving her hand in marriage after spending 12-15 hours with about 4 hours of sleep somewhere between, getting everything set-up for the meal, then seeing to it that the buffet line did it's part at the reception dinner...uh, maybe not easy, but it wasn't as difficult to handle as I thought it would be. To realize that everything went so well after everyone had finished eating didn't really happen for me...there was quite a, maybe the next day, before it even started sinking in, but at least I did see it through to the end and I feel really good about that. It still makes me sit and think about the whole project from the very beginning now...lots of time and work involved, but I wouldn't have it any other way than to able to put together a custom dinner like this, with all the personal touches, like the pulled chicken which is her favorite of anything I've smoked...OK, I have to scratch that...her favorite is my smoked/dried chicken salami, but for BBQ/hot smoked, it would have to be smoked & pulled chicken.Nicely done E! I am sure that your daughter and her new husband will cherish the memory of all you did for the rest of their lives. Secondly, your SMF family will be able to learn from this brilliant post for years to come. I know I have it bookmarked, nice job brother!