No, I'm not dying! (That I know of anyway)
All my life I have cooked. I have taken it beyond a passion in everything I did. Some of you probably heard the old "You should be a chef!" speech from friends and loved ones just like I have. I dabbled in cooking school out of High School but never took it anywhere because I wanted to be an EMT and not a chef. But, I always took any local class or seminar or did a catering gig at work just for giggles. My Blackberry is loaded with recipies and my spare room has more kitchen gadgets in it than Bed, Bath and Beyond!
Well, after 30 years of being out of High School, I am going back to college. Yes, my local college has a Culinary Arts program and I am getting my Culinary Arts Certificate. I'm a pretty humble guy, but I think I may know more than my Chef Instructor! I caught her cross contaminating the other night during a demo and called her on it. It embarassed her. There goes my grade huh?
Anyway, I'll try to post in between homework. I have some free time since I am retired (disabled), but I am going hog wild with this and I'm having fun. Did I mention I am also taking History?
I need a few more credits to finish up an old degree I started at a Baptist Seminary.
It's amazing that my grades in High School sucked and now it's all A's baby! I guess since I don't need to chase girls and drink up a few kegs a month (after I turned 21 of course), I have mellowed out a bit.. Maybe just a bit
(The beer and girls were before the Seminary..
My Chef knows nothing about smoking..Guess I will be instructing the instructor in the near future..
All my life I have cooked. I have taken it beyond a passion in everything I did. Some of you probably heard the old "You should be a chef!" speech from friends and loved ones just like I have. I dabbled in cooking school out of High School but never took it anywhere because I wanted to be an EMT and not a chef. But, I always took any local class or seminar or did a catering gig at work just for giggles. My Blackberry is loaded with recipies and my spare room has more kitchen gadgets in it than Bed, Bath and Beyond!
Well, after 30 years of being out of High School, I am going back to college. Yes, my local college has a Culinary Arts program and I am getting my Culinary Arts Certificate. I'm a pretty humble guy, but I think I may know more than my Chef Instructor! I caught her cross contaminating the other night during a demo and called her on it. It embarassed her. There goes my grade huh?
Anyway, I'll try to post in between homework. I have some free time since I am retired (disabled), but I am going hog wild with this and I'm having fun. Did I mention I am also taking History?
It's amazing that my grades in High School sucked and now it's all A's baby! I guess since I don't need to chase girls and drink up a few kegs a month (after I turned 21 of course), I have mellowed out a bit.. Maybe just a bit
My Chef knows nothing about smoking..Guess I will be instructing the instructor in the near future..