After many many hours on the smf site i just saw that i am now over 1000 posts!!!! I think i need a hobby to get me away from my addiction!!!! My wife thinks i'm insane and the dog sits and looks at me with droopy eyes wanting to play!! I am constantaly
looking at new ways to smoke and differant flavors to try. And reading through all the great threads and qview is so inspiring
and helpful i just can't help myself but to be on here!!! Smf has really helped me with my Qing and being confidant in what i am doing!
So just a quick Thank you to all the members who work so hard on the site itself and all who post and keep the site so
interesting!!!!!Keep up all the great work!!!
Thanks again---les
looking at new ways to smoke and differant flavors to try. And reading through all the great threads and qview is so inspiring
and helpful i just can't help myself but to be on here!!! Smf has really helped me with my Qing and being confidant in what i am doing!
So just a quick Thank you to all the members who work so hard on the site itself and all who post and keep the site so
interesting!!!!!Keep up all the great work!!!
Thanks again---les