Good Call! Never stuff a Turkey you plan to smoke...JJ
The problem I see, is that image shows a stuffed turkey, which is a big NO NO in the smoked turkey world of things. Eliminate the stuffing, brine the bird, then wrap but some loving spices under the skin and on the skin, then wrap in bacon, that would be allowed.
Good Call! Never stuff a Turkey you plan to smoke...JJ
The Hot Smoke 325°F will get the stuffing over 140 in 4 hours but the risk of the breast meat drying out before the center of the stuffing gets to 165° is high. Besides my family is all about the brown crispy part. Baking in a Jelly Roll Pan gives lots of surface area for crispy goodness and the bird gets done quick and juicy...JJIf you do a high temp smoke you can stuff a turkey. If you you do low and slow it's a NO NO!
How is it different then cooking in the oven stuffed at higher temps? I've done a couple high temp turkey smokes stuffed and never had a problem with the breasts drying out. I would assume that with the bacon on there as a shield and all the fat dripping there wouldn't be mush risk of a dry bird. Maybe some overly brown bacon though!
The Hot Smoke 325°F will get the stuffing over 140 in 4 hours but the risk of the breast meat drying out before the center of the stuffing gets to 165° is high. Besides my family is all about the brown crispy part. Baking in a Jelly Roll Pan gives lots of surface area for crispy goodness and the bird gets done quick and juicy...JJ
It's not different and I am not saying it can't be done , just that the risk of dry meat is higher. Lots of folks are successful but that is dependent on the size of the bird, whether it is Brined, covered in Bacon, the amount of basting and the density of the stuffing. Just more to consider and not as fool proof as smoking and un-stuffed bird...JJ
How is it different then cooking in the oven stuffed at higher temps? I've done a couple high temp turkey smokes stuffed and never had a problem with the breasts drying out. I would assume that with the bacon on there as a shield and all the fat dripping there wouldn't be mush risk of a dry bird. Maybe some overly brown bacon though!