I bought an Avocado - now what?

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Epic Pitmaster
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Sep 15, 2012
Ok so summer is quickly coming to a close, and I promised that I would buy and try an Avocado. Well I did just that yesterday because of the peer pressure put on me here(LOL). Now what do I do with it.

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Ok so summer is quickly coming to a close, and I promised that I would buy and try an Avocado. Well I did just that yesterday because of the peer pressure put on me here(LOL). Now what do I do with it.

Don't use it if it is rock hard, let it soften first. I have just sprinkled salt and eaten out of the shell. I have cooked an egg in the half, adds a different roasted flavor. Make guacamole???
Thanks Cliff, I'm thinking I'll try half right out of the shell, and maybe do something else with the other half. Maybe a fruit salad type thing. Good tip on letting the shell soften before eating. I would not have known that. Thanks

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Thanks Cliff, I'm thinking I'll try half right out of the shell, and maybe do something else with the other half. Maybe a fruit salad type thing. Good tip on letting the shell soften before eating. I would not have known that. Thanks

once opened, they brown rather quickly. Limiting air or lemon juice may slow it down but not much more than a few hours.


once opened, they brown rather quickly. Limiting air or lemon juice may slow it down but not much more than a few hours.

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Does cooking them change the flavor much?

They're also wonderful sliced and added to a sandwich. I particularly like avocado slices on BLTs.
BLTs sound good, but they're not on the menu for a few weeks. I have some double smoked ham defrosting and I'm going to make grilled ham and cheese with a homemade tomato soup this week.

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Ok so summer is quickly coming to a close, and I promised that I would buy and try an Avocado. Well I did just that yesterday because of the peer pressure put on me here(LOL). Now what do I do with it.

Did the peer pressure people explain what it tastes like and what to expect?

If not let me take a stab at it.

Alone Avocado is not going to wow you. Like if you've never had butter before and you bought some and you cut a slice and ate it, you'd be like "what in the world, what's the hype about?!"

HOWEVER just like butter, once you start doing things with the Avocado you will see it start to show off a little!

Avocado has this subtle rich and creaminess to it... kinda like good butter! It's personal flavor is a little bland on it's own but again like butter, will accentuate a dish and start to show off depending on it's use. It's not the star, its a that supporting actor that helps make the star shine as well as setup all the best parts of the movie :D

For a lot of my life I was not a fan of avocado but that's because people didn't use it properly. Once you get a taste of really good guacamole or have it sliced on some great sushi, or used in other great ways, you can then begin to see the brilliance of Avocado. Otherwise its like "what is the point of this thing?!" when used improperly :)

I hope this helps :)
Man. Avocados. I remember when they were 5 to 10 for $1. Guac was common here when they were in season. Now I'm lucky to see 1 for less than a $1. Most times they are $1 to $2.50 each.

I picked up 5 smalls at 78 cents each this last week. Got two left. High in good fat and fiber. They are perfect when there's a very slight softness when gently squeezed. Cut in half. Remove pit. Use a tablespoon at the big end to scoop the meat out in one piece. Slice, season, eat straight or use on salads or tacos.

The two left are going on carnitas tacos here tonight. Meat is thawing as I type.

Did the peer pressure people explain what it tastes like and what to expect?

If not let me take a stab at it.

Alone Avocado is not going to wow you. Like if you've never had butter before and you bought some and you cut a slice and ate it, you'd be like "what in the world, what's the hype about?!"

HOWEVER just like butter, once you start doing things with the Avocado you will see it start to show off a little!

Avocado has this subtle rich and creaminess to it... kinda like good butter! It's personal flavor is a little bland on it's own but again like butter, will accentuate a dish and start to show off depending on it's use. It's not the star, its a that supporting actor that helps make the star shine as well as setup all the best parts of the movie :D

For a lot of my life I was not a fan of avocado but that's because people didn't use it properly. Once you get a taste of really good guacamole or have it sliced on some great sushi, or used in other great ways, you can then begin to see the brilliance of Avocado. Otherwise its like "what is the point of this thing?!" when used improperly :)

I hope this helps :)
I myself love a perfectly ripened Avocado cut in half straight up with a salt shaker and a spoon. I save the Pit in case someone tries to interrupt me or steal my uneaten half. Once you practice launching a pit with a spoon, you can neutralize an invader successfully at up to 20 feet.
Sliced with fresh tomato slices on a plate, a little salt and pepper and i like a squeeze of lime but yes those two go very well together. If you like the flavor and texture then the uses are limitless. When they are really ripe and super soft you can just spread them like butter on toasted bread for a base layer of flavor. So good.
Does cooking them change the flavor much?

BLTs sound good, but they're not on the menu for a few weeks. I have some double smoked ham defrosting and I'm going to make grilled ham and cheese with a homemade tomato soup this week.

It does change the profile a bit, maybe do it on your second one.
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PSA - if anyone has an avocado or 3 that is ripe and ready but you may not want to use it for a couple of days, open it up, scoop it into a vac bag, and vac seal it. It won't brown or lose quality due to removing the air.

I used to do it with just plain ziplocs. Make my guac my favorite way, which is very simple. Avocado, sour cream, FINELY diced red onions, salt and pepper. Pour a little lemon juice into the ziploc and swish it around, transfer your guac to the ziploc, add a little lemon juice on top, and get out as much air as possible. Usually ended up with a very thin layer I'd have to scrape off, but generally lost very little. Vac sealing it lets all the flavors meld - and we all know how much better it is to let about anything stew a day or 2.

There is very little you can't eat with avocado. Steak and avocado, chicken and avocado, pork and avocado, meatloaf and avocado and ad infinitum....

When I was on keto, one of my favorite meals was a ribeye covered in my guac.

Use it on any savory sandwich - slices or mashed up.

Cooking it does change it. I prefer it raw. Cheesecake Factory has these cooked avocado springrolls that are pretty killer.
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I’ve not done it but I’ve read that if the avocado is hard as a rock with no give on the light squeeze, that you can do a short oven heat and they soften right up.
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Man. Avocados. I remember when they were 5 to 10 for $1. Guac was common here when they were in season. Now I'm lucky to see 1 for less than a $1. Most times they are $1 to $2.50 each.

I picked up 5 smalls at 78 cents each this last week. Got two left. High in good fat and fiber. They are perfect when there's a very slight softness when gently squeezed. Cut in half. Remove pit. Use a tablespoon at the big end to scoop the meat out in one piece. Slice, season, eat straight or use on salads or tacos.

The two left are going on carnitas tacos here tonight. Meat is thawing as I type.

2/buck this week at our regional chain, Food Lion!

I bought 6 Friday, will go back for 6 more Tuesday evening before the sale ends. A good sale for us is .79
6 months ago they were 1.50 each
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