Recently, I posted a price comparison of meat prices from three of the suppliers I buy from - Wild Fork, Costco, and Restaurant Depot (RD). Many folks told me that they do not have access to big box stores or an RD. A fellow Smoking Meat Forum member suggested that someone create a public database broken down by state, region & local areas.
Well, guess what? I'm going to do just that. I took early retirement and have LOTS of time on my hand so I decided that this will be my next project.
Before doing so, I don't want to just jump in and create a massive spreadsheet. I would like your input as to what you would like to see included in this database? I cannot include every single type of meat, so I think it best if we keep it to the most common meats that we buy and cook. I also think it would be a good idea to include the pricing for wood and charcoal (lump and briquettes).
I'd love to get your feedback and begin to lay out a plan. Once I have formulated the overall information that I will include, I'll run it by everyone to get feedback, input, and suggestions.
I think this can be a live, ongoing database and should be very useful to everyone. Feel free to reply here or send an email to me at [email protected]. Please be sure to include meat type, price, store name, state, city and region in your correspondence.
I look forward your hearing from all of you.
Well, guess what? I'm going to do just that. I took early retirement and have LOTS of time on my hand so I decided that this will be my next project.
Before doing so, I don't want to just jump in and create a massive spreadsheet. I would like your input as to what you would like to see included in this database? I cannot include every single type of meat, so I think it best if we keep it to the most common meats that we buy and cook. I also think it would be a good idea to include the pricing for wood and charcoal (lump and briquettes).
I'd love to get your feedback and begin to lay out a plan. Once I have formulated the overall information that I will include, I'll run it by everyone to get feedback, input, and suggestions.
I think this can be a live, ongoing database and should be very useful to everyone. Feel free to reply here or send an email to me at [email protected]. Please be sure to include meat type, price, store name, state, city and region in your correspondence.
I look forward your hearing from all of you.
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