First and foremost let me thank both of you for your service. We always laughed about the DPS. The only state that could consistently write you a ticket and by the time they were finished you'd want to go get a beer with 'em....LOL Never met one that I wouldn't have been proud to call a friend (yes I have met a few.....LOL) West Texas should have no speed limit! ROFLMAO! Chuck Wagon, you do Roswell/Ruidosa?
Anyway, welcome to the boards. Its a great place to learn, smooth off some edges, or just enjoy sharing because if we can't smoke were like talking about it almost as much.
The search engine is cram-packed full of goodies you'd never expect to find.
Q-view is the pictures and we all like to see your achievements and failures (not that you'll have any). But you might and probably will, inspire us to new heights with your cooks.
Midlothian, that's mule country isn't it? No disrespect intended.
Anyway, nice to meet you. The folks here are great, you'll enjoy your stay I'm sure.