How Do You Know When You’re Getting Old?
When people start racking up the years, they all use different points of life to determine if they are getting old.
We also wish ourselves old—Times Like:
When I was a Kid, I couldn’t wait ’til I was 12 years old, so I could go hunting with my Dad.
Then at 14, Hunting with my Brother, and 16 by myself.
Then All my childhood, I couldn’t wait until I was 16, so I could legally Drive a car.
Plus I always couldn’t wait for Christmas, Birthdays, 4th of July, Summer for Baseball, and Winter for Ice Skating.
Then once I was in the Army, I couldn’t wait for the 3 years to be up, so I could get out.
I couldn’t wait to get out of Vietnam, and once home I had to wait to be old enough to get served legally, in a bar.
So here I was, back from the Vietnam War, and I had to get my Wife to buy me a case of Beer!!!
Next thing you know I’m 40 years old!! Was that Old?? Nah!
How ‘bout 50? Nah!
60? Nah !
70 years Old? Nah, not yet !!
73 years old a couple weeks ago, on Jan 3 ??? Nah, still not old.
However Yesterday My Son, “Bear Junior” turned 50 years old——Now I’m Freaking Old.
My Son is 50, I’m definitely Old.
All the aches & pains I’ve had over the years weren’t from age. They were more from working without proper dust protection, living in the Agent Orange killing zone, too much Artillery, Doctors screwing up, and of course Smoking (cigarettes, not Meat).
However now that my Son turned 50, I’m no longer in a hurry for anything, and I realize I really am Old.
And I don’t feel a day over 95 !!