First, I realize that sausage itself isn't particularly healthy regarding fat content but I want to make a venison sausage that is pork free and Beef free (not by my own choice). Most recipes I've seen combine pork and venison to add moisture to the sausage. I've found very little recipes that do not use pork or beef with the venison. Could chicken thighs be used with venison 50:50 to make fresh Italian or breakfast links or would they be much to dry? Could chopped smoked onions be added to the grind to add moisture and flavor or is that a lost cause? I've read about powdered milk as well and was wondering if that was an option for added moisture retention? It would be great to make an "all wild game" sausage but I think that's probably not going to happen from what I've read. Can someone help me brainstorm some options and meat ratios for something that might work? I don't expect the juiciest sausage in the end but surely there has to be a middle ground or ways to make it work?