Ok fellas and lads. I have 2.32 lbs of sal mm on I need to brine to smoke tomorrow and I don't have kosher or non ionized salt in the house and not near Store. I have TQ and Ionized salt. I have a lot of brown sugar.
thanks Dave. That's exactly what I did so I'm going to take it out for the in laws to snack on tomorrow. Good rest on smoked Fish give little more flavor I've noticed even though right away usually occurs.If the pellicle is a little tough, wrap in saran tight and let sit in the refer for a few days... that should soften the pellicle a bit....
1/4 cup salt
1/4 cup brown sugar
crushed red pepper or
black pepper or both
if no salt soy sauce works
1 quart of water
thanks tarragon. I hot cook my salmon with an even amount of soy water and brown sugarsorry late, next time