My name's Ron. I'm in South Western New York, just above the PA border. I work for NY State during the week, & on weekends manage conventions for Troma Entertainment, the film company responsible for the 80s classic The Toxic Avenger, as well as about 800 others.
Been lurking here for a few months, finally got around to buying a 40" MES last week. The info & tips I've picked up from here already has been invaluable. So far I've only had time to smoke 1 pork butt. Turned out great, but showed me that I have problems with the MES thermostat. What I thought was a normal 160 stall never picked up again until I took a different temp reading & saw that my interior temp was only 190, not 225. But without this forum I would have been lost. So I'm looking forward to learning more & lost of future smokes.
Been lurking here for a few months, finally got around to buying a 40" MES last week. The info & tips I've picked up from here already has been invaluable. So far I've only had time to smoke 1 pork butt. Turned out great, but showed me that I have problems with the MES thermostat. What I thought was a normal 160 stall never picked up again until I took a different temp reading & saw that my interior temp was only 190, not 225. But without this forum I would have been lost. So I'm looking forward to learning more & lost of future smokes.