Hi everyone! I’m 43, happily married with 4 boys, and live in Bosque Farms, New Mexico. Despite my age, my BBQ adventure did not begin until May of 2020 when I was gifted a Camp Chef DLX pellet grill for my birthday. Since then, I’ve acquired PBC and BGE, basically working my backwards compared to most. So naturally I wanted to get my hands on an offset smoker but didn’t want to spend too much money on something I might not end up liking or having the time for. Luckily, I found an old Brinkmann Pitmaster Deluxe for $40 in pretty good condition which led me to SMF when I researched restoration and mod ideas. Down below is my little BBQ station and a before and after of my Brinkmann so far.
Glad to be here and meet you all!
Glad to be here and meet you all!