Hello from Marylands Easternshore!

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Original poster
Sep 12, 2013
Marion Station, MD
Hello everyone! My name is Jef and I joined this site today. I live in the easternshore of Maryland and my day job is a Chef. I have been into bbq and smoking meats for a few years now.  My ultimate goal in life is to live off the land and get back to the "old ways" of doing things.  I am an avid hunter and fisherman and I also process deer during hunting season for friends and family.  I currently own a small "bullet" style smoker, a char-griller duo grill (haven't bought the side friebox yet), built my own pig rotisserie and my next project will be building a smokehouse.  I absolutely love playing with food and seeing the look on a persons face when they bite into something you created and they have that moment of pure bliss.  I am trying to learn all that I can about doing thins the right way, not the easy way.  Before I go on a full rant, just wanted to say hello to everyone and I hope to gain some valuable knowledge from more experienced members.  Thanks!
Welcome to SMF! Sounds to me like you'll fit in real good here. Use the search bar and you will find all kinds of home built smokers and smoke houses.
Hi Jef! :welcome1: to SMF!!! We're happy you found us! You've come to the right place, we have over 50,000 members who just love to share their experience and over 1,000,000 posts describing it! Yea that’s right over 1,000,000!

The search bar at the top can be your best friend when you are trying to find answers to your questions but you can still ask too if you want!

We have an ”Articles” section that is full of great information about smoking to include a lot of recipes and instructionals. Check it out there is a lot to learn in there!

Would you do us a favor and add your location to your profile, it helps others to know where you are when they offer advice, Thanks!

You might want to check out ”Jeff's Free 5 day E-Course”, it will teach you all the basics plus a whole lot more!
Welcome to the forums, Jef!  This is the best place I know for sharing ideas on smoking, grilling, curing, etc.  There are plenty of friendly, knowledgeable folks who really enjoy helping one another.  Looking forward to your input here, and just ask when you need anything...someone here will surely have the answer.

Hi Jef. There are so many ideas on this forum you will never get through them all. I look forward to seeing some of your posts.

to SMF!  We are so glad you joined us! 

We love to see pictures of what you are cooking (or what we call q-views here at SMF).  To "upload the q-views" just follow the directions here and it will be easier. If you are using a cell phone, an IPad or a kindle, go to the main SMF page and click the Mobile button. Will make the uploads a bit faster too.

If you didn't read the "Terms of Service" notes.....please do.  There are a few things that everyone should know about those pesky little rules before plunging into the forums and some guidelines of how to interact within the forums. Off site links are not allowed here at SMF per Jeff. Not that you have done anything wrong....just a little bit of FYI for new members!

If you need any help roaming around the forums....just holler!  Happy to help out!

Welcome fellow Marylander!  You sound like someone who will have some delicious recipes.  Can't wait to pick your brain :D
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