I've had a few Brinkman Bullets over the years, but newer had 10 + Hours to sit and tend the ever-changing temperature, and in Oklahoma, the weather sometimes has problems keeping steady as well.
At work, Some guys went together on a small "Bradley Smoker" It is electric, small, but digitally controlled. The small (hockey puck sized) wood blocks are expensive as well.
I work for OG+E, it's an Electric Utility here in Oklahoma.
I'm a Instrumentation & Control Spe******t and I mainly do Process Engineering for one of their Natural Gas Plants.
Everything from specifying and installing the wiring for the Control Valves, power supplies, communication cable, and probes to writting the Control Programs and Graphics interface for the Plant operators.
Well, I figured I could biuld a really cool smoker at LEAST as good as the Bradley.
I'm at a hotel, snowed in, using the only availabe computer, so I'm getting off for now..
Smokeys Dad
At work, Some guys went together on a small "Bradley Smoker" It is electric, small, but digitally controlled. The small (hockey puck sized) wood blocks are expensive as well.
I work for OG+E, it's an Electric Utility here in Oklahoma.
I'm a Instrumentation & Control Spe******t and I mainly do Process Engineering for one of their Natural Gas Plants.
Everything from specifying and installing the wiring for the Control Valves, power supplies, communication cable, and probes to writting the Control Programs and Graphics interface for the Plant operators.
Well, I figured I could biuld a really cool smoker at LEAST as good as the Bradley.
I'm at a hotel, snowed in, using the only availabe computer, so I'm getting off for now..
Smokeys Dad