Hi Jules Welcome to our "Family" and "Addiction"
Plenty of good folk on here, ask any questions you can think of, and you will get your answers.
Please take time to look at the UK Smokers Group,
And introduce your self on the UK Roll Call
The UK Smokers Group Is where UK members can ask and share information that is unique to smoking and curing in the UK and does not obviously fit into any of the main forum categories.
We have had our 3rd UK Smokes weekend, where members attend and cooked over the weekend, planing has are already in place for 2017 and the date are 21-22 July, you are more than welcome to come along, even if it's just a visit on the Saturday. Please use the link below to view the website.
I have Googled your Smoker and it's not a product I am familiar with, but I am sure the members on here can get it operating much better and more efficient.
Question about this photo, is this the fire bowl as indicated?
What is below the first rack? Is it a plate or some sort of bowl?
How was the seal on the door? Did you have much smoke leaking?
The reason for the question are, if that is the fire bowl, I would recommend fitting a baffle plate above it, similar position to the first rack. This baffle should leave approx 25mm (1inch) gap all round to the side of the drum. The baffle can be a piece of metal or even a metal dish (shallow roasting dish) this can be filled with either water or sand. All three options will protect meat cooking on the racks above from "Direct Heat" from the fire bowl, and help produce a more stable temperatures as they act as a heat sink.
Use Wood Burning Stove rope and apply it to either the door or the body of the smoker to get a better seal.
Is there a air vent at the bottom of the smoker near the fire bowl? This is the important part to regulate cooking temperature.
There are different ways to set up the charcoal so the smoker runs more efficiently, and I am sure Wade will be along soon, and he has some very good pictures to show this.
If you are struggling to raise the temperature in cold weather, try wrapping the Smoker in a Welders Blanket, available from Machine Mart etc.
I am in Nottinghamshire (Sutton In Ashfield) so if you need any help just PM (private message) me.
Smokin Monkey [emoji]133660013031[/emoji]