Greetings from Snowy Washington!

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Chef Perry

Original poster
Feb 10, 2018
Hey everyone!

Love the forums, already learning new stuff, and getting some delicious ideas!

I'm Perry P. Perkins, a PNW lifer. I'm a third-generation chef, and grew up on kitchen floors. I love BBQ and grilling, and have been doing both for many years. I used to run a BBQ catering business, which has morphed into a general private chef thing.

It's hard to say what I do, lol, my wife refers to me as a "serial entrepreneur", but I've been a writer my whole life. A couple of spectacularly unsuccessful novels and short story collections, but mostly cookbooks, and books on cooking technique, these days. I'm a professional blogger, and write several of my own blogs, as well.

(I don't want to turn my introduction into a link-loaded infomercial, so if you want any more info on any of this, just let me know.)

For the last few years, I've been working closely with La Caja China, and Latin Touch, doing recipe development, product testing, and blogging on their pig-roasting boxes. Before that, I blogged for Kenmore Grills. I'm also a big fan of nose-to-tail cooking and eating, so I apologize, in advance, for some of my posts... ;)

Happily married, dad of an extremely precocious 10y/o daughter, who's determined to become the 4th generation of Perkins hash-slingers. I love to write about food, test recipes, and shoot how-to videos, so if anyone has a recipe they'd like tested, I'm be happy to take a look!

As mentioned, I do a lot of BBQ & grilling with the Caja China style boxes (I own 5 models), and round out my collection with a Traeger Tex, my beloved Weber Smoky Joe, and a big 'ol beast of a custom pit-smoker, that I'm still hammering into shape. Adding a Grilla Grill, and a beautiful American Hotbox, very soon. I might have a cheap gas grill, somewhere in my shed, but I haven't seen it for years. ;)

Oh, and I'm a shameless promoter of the A-Maze-N smoker, lol. No affiliation, I just love Todd's products.

In my "spare time" I own and operate a non-profit organization that teaches hands on cooking, shopping, and healthy eating skills for at-risk and under-served kids.

I think that's about it!

Thanks for listening to my prattle... ;)

~Chef Perry


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Welcome to the SMF glad to have you on board. 3rd or 4th gen. makes no difference just love to see the kids involved and you will see that in a lot of the photos posted on here. Seen your post on rotisserie pork.

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Welcome to SMF!
Sounds like you have a lot of stories to tell!
Looking forward to seeing some of your recipes!
Welcome Chef Perry!
I thought it was kind of cruel with my parents gave me my initials, PIE Jr.
But triple P? ;) Just want you to know I feel for you.
I'm second gen electrical. The heavy stuff.
Anyway, been a meat modifier/jerky maker over 50 years, but finally actually bought my first store bought smoker recently. Then gutted it, and modified it, and today finished it with an AMNPS in the mod box. It breaking in as I peck away with my two finner typing.
Do you have any online recipes you'd care to share? There are a few around here, and a ton on the web, who freely give of their knowledge. I enjoy finding their sharing, then trying them.
I've seen you around, but now feel like I know you a little.
Yabba-Dabba, teach your daughter well. She could be winning competitions before she's out of school. ;) is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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