Garden Of Weeding

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Master of the Pit
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Mar 7, 2018
Ontario Canada
I'm not much of a gardener for self reliance and my garden is small compared to some I have seen but its big enough to get me outside and plant some veggies.
I added the fence this year as last year I got a new Golden Retriever and needed a way to stop her from destroying anything that might grow. :)
Have some corn, potatoes, onions, radishes, carrots, bush beans, pole beans, two tomato plants and peas in there. I have beets growing but for some reason they are not doing very well this year. Never had a problem growing them before. Oh and I forgot I have a roll of kohlrabi which never did very well but this year are just taking off like crazy.




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Looks good! Mine is in a rebuild year. Previous owners planted Mint in the garden.
That stuff spreads like crazy. Hopefully we can get rid of it all.
Wife took some and started in a planter (where it belongs).

Love the skeleton!
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Nice set up and should yield plenty for you!
Yup I do alright. Love having fresh potatoes and carrots
This year i have lots of garlic growing in the flower beds. More corn, more beans. And the peanut seeds I bought just to try and grow the suckers and they are growing pretty well.
Some of last years crop.

That's a lot of taters.
How do you store them to last until the next season ?
5 gallon buckets with tight lids. They last almost all winter. Whats left I use in the next years garden as seeders.
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My new neighbor's brother has a farm about 40 miles south of us. I asked her if I could go there and get some cow manure. She asked and he said no problem but asked why I wanted spring manure instead of dried fall manure. I had no idea there was a difference. Thought shit was shit no matter what time of the year it was. He said spring manure you will get more weeds since it is not dried out. Like I said before I'm no farmer but seems to make sense.
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