From Cow, To Me, To Grill: It's Tomahawk Time (Pics)

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tx smoker

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Apr 14, 2013
Lago Vista, Texas
I know...I know...another steak thread :emoji_laughing: With Tracy being allergic to chicken and her hating anything that swims, our menu around here can be somewhat limited. That's why I try to keep as many different cuts of beef around as I can so I have some options to work with. Last weekend was a Lazy Man weekend insofar as meals go. Friday was the Hipshot brats and Saturday was a 2 pound 4 ounce tomahawk. With the weather starting to cool down a bit we're working on stuff that would have been impossible in triple digit temps so we're still busy around here. Called a halt to yard work mid afternoon and I commenced to break down a CPB 103 sub primal rib section. Figured that since I had the steaks out I might as well cook one.

Two 103 rib sections

Starting with the larger one

Sliced between the rib bones into steaks. A few of these are enormous!!


Trimmed along the bones

I save the trimmings to make sausage, chili, beef stew, etc with. Only a small amount of excess fat goes to waste

Vac sealed, tagged, weighed, and ready to go into the freezer

This one is gonna be dinner

Seasoned with the beef rub I put together a few years ago

Time for the grill. We were so tired I didn't even feel like firing up the Weber so just using the gasser

Done. In the house to rest for a few minutes. Looking kinda purty for a hasty cook

Plated with a baked tater and a nice little salad that Tracy cut up. First meal with the new patio furniture

Inside of the steak was perfect but a little brown on the outer edges. Oh well, I didn't feel like cooking slow almost to temp then searing so that's my fault. We were just ready to eat so i kept an eye on the IT and called it done. This one was quick, simple, and to-the-point but it sure filled the void. I'm still loving the flavor of that beef rub. Enhances the flavor of the meat nicely without overpowering it and has just a little bit of a spicy tingle to it. A great accompaniment to beef. And a baked tater...ya just can't go wrong except that I didn't have any bacon bits to put on it. Oh well, it was still good and of course we love salads around here.

Oh well, time to see about getting some work done (Heaven forbid!! :emoji_laughing: ) so gonna call this one a wrap. Y'all take care and stay safe. See ya next time.

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Looks good to me. Add some eggs and id have a great breakfast.
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Gorgeous slab of beef Robert, any man would love sitting down to that baby, Like! Would you please post the recipe for you beef rub, I'd like to give it a shot. RAY
Wow what a cut of meat! I hardly use charcoal for steak since they cook so fast. My old Silver B gets nice and hot and grilled pretty fast.
Those look great!

Thank you!! I'm getting a bit better at trimming the steaks and they're coming out nicer.

Looks good to me. Add some eggs and id have a great breakfast.

Too funny Brian!! That's exactly what I did the next morning with the leftovers for breakfast.

Id tap that. Looks great as always Robert. And I will second the beef rub. I put that sh*t on everything! Great on burgers as well

Thanks john. glad you're liking some of the stuff in that Christmas exchange package. I do like that rub.

Nice looking steak on a stick Robert! Like SmokinVOLfan SmokinVOLfan SmokinVOLfan SmokinVOLfan I love your beef rub and put that sh*t on everything! Nice work as usual bud

Thank you Jake. Seems as though you and John are my biggest supporters of that rub. I threw that together one afternoon before a friendly backyard beef rib cook-off. Been a staple ever since.

Would you please post the recipe for you beef rub, I'd like to give it a shot

Absolutely my friend. Here ya go:

3 T Montreal steak seasoning ground in a spice grinder
2 t Garlic powder
2 t Chili powder
1 ½ t Smoked Spanish paprika
1 t Black pepper
½ t Guajaillo pepper
1 t Ancho pepper
½ t Arbol pepper
¾ t Cayenne
1 ½ t Sugar
1 t salt
1 t Onion powder
1 ½ t Beef bouillon

As for the Montreal, it's just a good start. I could have recreated it but why spend hours trying to figure it out when it's already done. This does not make much so I'd suggest doing 2-3 times the recipe.

Robert, that steak is SPOT ON!!! You done good

Thank you sir!!

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I wish I had those problems... Looks fabulous Robert

Thanks Dave...but I don't remember posting about any problems except for being dead tired :emoji_laughing: You don't want that one I can promise you.

Wow what a cut of meat! I hardly use charcoal for steak since they cook so fast

That's one of the bigger rib sections I've gotten. It was in the 27 pound range so a few of those steaks are massive...over 3 pounds after trimming. O cooked one of the smaller ones for this dinner.

Oh man Robert that's some fine looking beef and a great looking meal

Thanks so much. I've become quite a fan of the CPB and being able to get it wholesale is a huge benefit.

Robert, another great looking meal! That Steak is mouth watering and looks perfectly cooked from here. One would never know you were real tired, looking at this cook. Great job.
Just fantastic Robert. You drilled another one. Those tomahawk’s look insanely good!
I'm with civilsmoker civilsmoker , I likey also! Looks like heaven on a plate! Been eating too many sandwiches in the combine and I'm starving for a good meal!

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