I am an entrepreneur. It is a very different mindset. If you are not 100% all in, forget it.Thanks for your replies in this thread. It is something that I am interested in because I want to become an entrepreneur.
quick tips:
Learn to push yourself daily outside of your comfort zone.
Learn how to sell.
Be willing to work for free for the success of your business.
Treat the lowest person the same way as the most important person in the business. If you don't, you will lose your best employees.
Systems make a business successful....look at McDonald's. Not the best hamburger in the world, but they have some of the best systems in the business world.
Understand finance...You will need to be creative at some point in your business when money looks tight.
Become 'unemployable'....meaning you have no price which someone could pay you for your time.
Money is not 'wealth'. If you are doing it for the money, don't even start. Time is more valuable than money.
Don't forsake the family and friends that helped you and sacrificed for you to become successful. If you do-you will regret it one day....