So my neighbor made himself a rotisserie smoker out of a 300 gallon tank and won our rib cook off this year. Last week my boss gave me a barrel of the same size. Needless to say I am going to do one better. I'm going to build a rotisserie grill fueled by wood and charcoal. I'm thinking off an off set fire pit welded to the back of the barrel, running about 3/4 the length of the barrel which is 5 feet long. I am wanting to do a few one ups on him. The main thing being I am wanting to put a fan on the pit to keep the temp as close as possible to set temp. My neighbor said he wants to help me build it also which I'm cool with we are good friends anyways.(he's a union welder so he will be valuable). My question is what would be a good option for temp control. Should the fan be directed directly to the coals? Any other tips or advice would be appreciated.